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help me ask a girl out!!!!


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Hi everybody! I'm new to this site, and I joined because I have a serious problem. At school, there's this girl I REALLY like. The main problem is that I'm not sure if she likes me back, and not only that, but she has a boyfriend who I don't think deserves her because he treats her just like everybody else. Help!!! [/b]

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I wouldn't go judging her boyfriend and actually talking about it to anyone you know since it makes you seem selfish. The best way to get to know her better is to talk to her and try to become friends. Whatever you do, make sure you don't interfere with her relationship with this guy. Good or not, that's not the best idea.



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Hi Chris! I've already decided to not interfere because she can go out with whoever she wants to. I also keep my thoughts to myself because I do like her boyfriend; I just don't think he's right for her. If you ask me, they're gonna break up soon, so I need to know how to figure out if she likes me. We do have a lot of spontaneous and funny moments together. Last year, we went around a theme park together and since her friend accidentally had her money, I let her borrow some money from me. Later, her brother told me that she said I was nice. I do think that she considers me a friend. Is there a definitive way to find out if she likes me like more than a friend?

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Well, since you can't read her mind the only way you're gonna know if she likes you is to ask her out.


But don't do this until she has actually broken up with this guy.Whether or not he deserves her is not up to you. Her choice right now is to be with him, and until they split you can only be a friend to her.


Its sux when someone you like is seeing someone else but that doesn't mean you won't have a chance in the future. Just make sure if the opportunity comes along that you don't pass it up because you're too shy to ask her out.

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