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Broke NC in a major way, feel ... indescribable

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Split with short term relationship ex 6 weeks ago, went NC 4 weeks ago after seeing him in a similar fashion to this time.


He text me on my bday and it all tumbled on from there, basically he cannot do a relationship, that he isn't remotely ready. Claims it isn't me and he can't do a relationship with anyone right now, he's jumped from relationship to relationship and needs time to heal and be on his own. Despite this he claims he loves me to bits but has to put those feelings aside, I asked if any of this was easy for him and he said no, at times it is but others it isn't. Sometimes I really miss you sometimes I'm ok.


Said whenever he does think of me he has a ridiculously big smile on his face, and that he feels messed up about all of this.


We spent the night together, it was amazing as per, kissed and held each other for hours. Sometimes he lets his guard down and calls me his baby.


We both agreed perhaps last night was a mistake, because I end up feeling terrible at the end of it. I do feel * * * * right now but no regrets.


He did say he won't contact me again because it doesn't do either of us any good.



I agree but part of me feels like, the next time I see him, if I see him, what will be left? I feel like I love loving him, I just wish he could let go and love me too, I hate this so much, he's my man, I love him, I want to spend the rest of my life with him

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When ever a guy tells you he really wants to leave because he's not relationship material the inference is that he knows that he is going to hurt you. In a way, you should take that as a compliment because it means he cares enough not to want to do that. So, yeah, despite the sex I'd believe he's not ready to date, and I'd leave. He knows he's going to hurt you and he does not want that and neither do you.




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When ever a guy tells you he really wants to leave because he's not relationship material the inference is that he knows that he is going to hurt you. In a way, you should take that as a compliment because it means he cares enough not to want to do that. So, yeah, despite the sex I'd believe he's not ready to date, and I'd leave. He knows he's going to hurt you and he does not want that and neither do you.





Thanks for your reply Angel, he's a good guy really, and I think I finally believe him when he says he just isn't ready to go into a relationship right now, he says if we did it'd be serious if it were with me.


I just feel so directionless at this point, back to square one, don't even know which way to look. Life feels so empty, * * * * I miss him

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It's okay seece, time to dust yourself off and hit the NC road again. You did what you thought was right at the time. There is no need to beat yourself up or dwell on that. Just remember that sometimes we need to reach out to help dissolve that last bit of hope we grasp onto. Don't let this set you back, instead, learn from it, and let it propel you further along the healing path.

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It's okay seece, time to dust yourself off and hit the NC road again. You did what you thought was right at the time. There is no need to beat yourself up or dwell on that. Just remember that sometimes we need to reach out to help dissolve that last bit of hope we grasp onto. Don't let this set you back, instead, learn from it, and let it propel you further along the healing path.


Yeah, day one again


I'm not beating myself up over it, in fact I don't even regret it, spent a wonderful night with the guy I love.


I realise I still need to move on though, hopefully one day I can see him and I'll be OK.

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