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How do I let go now?

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The other thing is, her mom told me that she's been happier these last few months than she has for the past year, which just hurt me. Thinking about how happy she is without me and that she's probably dating some new guy just eats at me. It's so hard to hink about.

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Hang in there K_N_AZ,

My ex even admitted she has slept with someone since we broken up 2 months ago. She is dating another new guy now as well. Tell him about it.

I feel sick to my stomach, may be we both feel like we can't get over the fact that we let the best things happen to us, slip thru our fingers.

I blamed myself why I let her walked out the door without a fight. I just left her with a note in the morning. By the time, I got home from work, whole bedroom is empty, only with my stuff. It was clear to me she would never come back anymore.


I kept telling myself to let her go and spent more time with friends and family. There is nothing wrong of being single. She is just not the one, i guess. Everything happens for a reason. It's better to know it sooner than later. I have determined to come out of this situation stronger than bitter.


You should too, pm me if you want to talk.



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Thanks for the post Alan. Fortunately for me, I don't know if she's with someone else or doing who knows what with them. I can only assume that she is, but I ty hard not to think about it, and focus my attention on me. Sooner or later she will realize what she lost.

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Ugh, another tough week. I was doing and feeling much better last week. I have been filling up my time with working out and getting back into shape, and just when I thought I was getting better, I have another tough week this week, so far.


I feel like I'm back to the point where I miss her and wonder what she is doing, or who she is with. And, although its only been 3 months, I feel doubtful that i'll ever find another special girl again


I still don't understand how she could be so happy now and moving on so easily, while I feel stuck and down and hurt. That really puzzles me, and I over analyze the subject more than I should.


Plus, the weekends are very difficult, because I don't feel like going out, and when I do try to go out, my few friends are married and don't go out that often. So, I end up sitting at home alone, thinking that she is out having a great time with her new b/f (if she has one).


Ugh, I hate these kind of days. I wish I had more close friends, or my family lived closer to me. I hate being alone and lonely. I'm filled with so much doubt.


At least i have all of you to help me through this and keep me going. That, I am most thankful for. Thanks for all the "pick me ups" and advice. It really does help me press on in life

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Other than working out during the week...not really. i would like to go out and do mellow things with my friends (which I only have three or so close ones), but two of them are married and never know what they are doing, and the other one just broke up with his g/f and has been partying really heavy on the weekends, and that's not really me. I kind of just want to be mellow for a while (bars, movies, etc.)


Even when I do go out, I keep thinking that, "hey I'm out and about", I bet she is out and having fun with a new b/f. Or spending the night with him, etc. Yuck!!!

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i know it sucks, trust me i do. ive felt that way to. but now...i just dont care. this last weekend, i knew that she would be alone w/ her bf for the weekend. i was home for a huge amount of time and i didnt care. i didnt think bout her the whole time. when i do think about her i dont get emotional. something in me just simply snapped. i dont know..maybe its the prospect of a new relationship with carin. maybe i got lucky in that i found someone i like so soon. though i am still taking it slow. i know you hurt but there will be a time when you look back and are glad it all happened.

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Wow, i hope so. If I can get to the point where I don't care anymore or focus on her, that would be awesome. How do you know she has a new b/f? Maybe you mentioned that before, but I forgot (not to bring up a sore subject). I just think my ex has a new b/f but don't know for sure, and I wish I could get to the point you're at. It's already been 2 1/2 months and I wonder how much longer until I heal.

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honestly, i dont know for sure. i know she was sorta kinda seeing someone but she was obviously confused and wasnt sure what she was going to do w/ him. beats me. i could care less. i have no idea...my only hope is that shes doing whats best for her daughter. i think i could find out for sure what shes doing and it would not bother me...but why risk it. i dont try to find anything out. in fact, the last time i talked to her, it was civil. it was about 2 weeks ago. i was supposed to give her a call back in a few days...but just never did, and probably never will. im fairly certain we will never speak again...but who knows, who cares.

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After my last post here, I thought I was fine. Not until I found out whom she is dating. My best friend's friend. Apparently, my best friend introduced his best friend to my ex. After their meeting, this man asked for my ex's number. They have beeing talking since then. He lived in Houston and would come up here in Dallas to stay with her in her apt.

God knows what they are up to.

I felt betrayed by my friend, I thought he is my best friend. And he knows how I felt about my ex still. No wonder he kept say,"forget about her." Secretly, he wants his friend to date her.

I am so alone on this one.

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