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help me i am having a promble

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OK me and my ex still like each other a lot and we both don't want to date but we deicided to be friends with benifits do you think that is wrong or not and my friend was goign out with him after we broke up and she lives far away and we were like kissing and hugging and holding hands and i didn't tell her that and then today he broke up with her and then we still ddi everything the same and now my friend heart is broken but she the one who broke us up to begun with so now she is all mad at me but yeah then on top of this all she was makeing out behide her boyfriends back which is my ex and i never told him but she told him lies when we wer going out that i was doing things with other guys and then she was talkin bad about me behide my back to one of my best friends and i found out so what can i do and what should i do?plz help me

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Maybe your friend is not really your friend anymore. If so much separate both of you and you have such an history of mistrust and lies you should really think about stopping talking to her. She made you break up with your ex and you made your ex cheat on her too... maybe your ex is a big part of your problem too...


As for your ex... well its not right to have an ex "with benefits" if you ever intend to go out with another guy since its considered cheating. Put your values where you think they should be and make sure you don't care about the feeling of your next boyfriend if you want to keep your relationship with your ex as it is because you two are in for more hurts.


If you don't plan to go out with anybody but your ex be also prepared for some serious hurting because he will cheat on you and use you until you're fed up of him or him of you. Maybe he's not a good guy to keep in your life...

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