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Would you change your "bad habits" for the one you love?

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It's just painful to leave the relationship because of her drinking habit,


Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln -- how was the play?


If she can't get the drinking under control, there will be only one relationship --- her and alcohol. Not her and you.


I cannot seem to make her see that. She thinks the fact that we are living under one roof is enough for quality time.

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Omg this reminds me if me!!! Whilts I was single for a two years gap I socialised a lot and when I met my now to be hubby we used to party a lot. Eventaully he pulled me aside and told me he was very worried about my drinking habbits! I didn't know where he was coming from, it was a shock, I felt defensive etc!. Was like '''what do ya mean, look who's having hte biggest collection of whiskeys plastered all over the living room!!! (him)''' What happened is that I picked up the habit and just let it happen of having a glass of something almost every evening, with friends when I was singled and used ot be out a lot, or even at home with him. He kind of opened my eyes, there was no need of glass of wine every night, during the week! And weekend fun doesn't mean alcohol MUST be involved!.. Consequently, I just stopped having drinks, tbh at the beginning it felt weird because of the habbit of 'ahh, it's been a long day, now where's my glass of wine', but that passed quickly. So I mean to say that if your girlfriend is not 1. listening to your concerns 2. taking a long hard look at herself 3. stop the behaviour ( especially alchool..... then it should hopefully make you see somewhere that you two are jus tnot on the same page at all... She has got other priorities.

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So I guess your answer is a big "yes" to my question about changing for the one you love. That's good, and I'm happy for you! As an update, things are going really well between us this past few days. I appreciate the fact and I can see that she is making a conscious effort and trying really hard to minimize her drinking. Compared to before, it is now being cut down into about 50% in reference to quantity and frequency. Her alcohol habit is just that, a habit, and I understand that it takes time before she can get over it. So I'm there for her 100% and she knows it; I find ways to distract her using movies, dvds, roadtrip.lol! anything to keep her mind off alcohol, and so far, it worked. (:

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