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Oneday i was talking to this guy named Casey on the internet. I didnt know him very well but he was having some x girlfriend problems and told me to call him. I called him and we just clicked. He told me how his x girlfriend dumped him and treated him very badly. For the next couple of days he called me. I was starting to have feelings for him. I told him but he didnt say anythin he changed the subject. That friday we met and the following saturday we went to the movies. I had a really great time and from then on we starting "talking" I asked him why he didnt say anythin when i told him that i liked him. He said that he didnt want to tell me anything cause he thought that it was to soon and he didnt know if him and his x girlfriend was going to be gettin back together or not. About 2 weeks into our "talking" relationship he told me that he loved me. I have really strong feelings for him and i think i love him too. I told him but the problem is im scared of gettin hurt. Im scared that we started things off to fast and are going to end soon. He tells me that there is no way he and his xgirlfriend will get back together but i have heard that one for alot of other guys. We talked about being boyfriend and girlfriend and he says that he doesnt want to be right now. He said that he told himself that his next girlfriend he would fall in love with before he went out with her. I dont know if he was just lying or being truthful. I really care for him alot but im scared of gettin hurt like every other guy has done me. What should i do?

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Hi lost88,


I would like to explain you that love always brings risks. Loving someone and caring for someone is equally to share your deepest feelings with someone and then give it all. There's always a chance of getting hurt.


I believe that only you can determine wether this guy is trustworthy and means what he says. For me it would be too easy to say that he is or is not playing an act. I do know that most people say: "If you hesitate in love, then don't step into it." I like that and it seems right to me, because if you hesitate, you will never be able to give your all into the relationship. May be just from that point of view, it might be better to say no to this relationship.


I hope that this helped you in making the right decision that works for you and I wish you good luck.


~ SwingFox ~

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Dear lost88

You make him tell you what you want to hear. I guess it's not a problem for him to tell it. But it doesn't mean that he feel it. You deceive youself.

I'm sure one day you'll find a boy you'll be in truly love with. And it'll be a mutual love.

The difference is in time: ones find truly love when they are pretty young and others - later.

Do not expect truly love. It'll come when you don't expect.

Date with guys you like, enjoy and do not make them or yourself feel artificial love.

Good luck

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Just living and growing implies taking risks, and learning from your mistakes. We cannot be perfect at something until we take some time at practice. We need to start someplace. Have confidence in yourself to complete something that you've never done before and work toward a goal. Don't let things sidetrack you from your goal.

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