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Planning on Relocation to Dallas or Houston, TX any suggestions for job sites?


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Hi all,


I am from Boston and have been very interested in looking to relocate to either Houston or Dallas, TX. I would only be look for an apartment until I get settled. If anybody can give me an ideas of what neigborhoods to look at in terms of safe area, for single lady, especially if you are from there, that would be great.


Also, any paticular career sites to look at when applying for a job? Any suggestions/advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Age? - 31


Qualifications? - I am a support person with business managment degree, working on Graphic's design to switch careers



- Anything in Administrative Support (Mid-seniore level)


And why are you relocating - lol..the weather primarily and just the looking for a laid back place. I been down there a few times and just ready to pick up and go. I am giving myself less than a year to pack, save more money and just go. No kids and no husband.

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I have been to both, twice each. I wouldn't go back to Houston if you paid me. Dallas is way nicer, younger, more happening, cleaner, more things to do, much better economy, lower crime rate and overall just a much nicer place to live if you ask me. I found nothing appealing about Houston at all with the exception of one neighborhood not too far from Reliant stadium. If you are trying to find a job there, why don't you google local paper websites and browse their help wanted sections? Any chance of you taking a trip down there to check them out firsthand? That's really the only way to get a feel for the city and not put all your eggs in one basket. Why are you considering the move? Boston is one of my favorite cities and was considering moving there not too long ago, and is still in the back of my head. I may still do it. I thnk one neighborhood you might want to look into in Dallas is known as the 'North End' if I remember correctly. It's been about 5 years since I was there.

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If you are trying to find a job there, why don't you google local paper websites and browse their help wanted sections? Any chance of you taking a trip down there to check them out firsthand? That's really the only way to get a feel for the city and not put all your eggs in one basket. Why are you considering the move? Boston is one of my favorite cities and was considering moving there not too long ago, and is still in the back of my head. I may still do it. I thnk one neighborhood you might want to look into in Dallas is known as the 'North End' if I remember correctly. It's been about 5 years since I was there.




I been considering this for over a few years. But I got involved with a man that also wanted to relocate with me to TX, however, we are no longer together, hince what got me onto this site in the first place. I just hate the winters up here and they are getting worse, especially for my body (neck & shoulder injury). I just want to be some place nice where I don't have to wake up ever single day and put on skiing gear..lol...ugh..just hate it up here.


Your not missing anything here. The only thing here going is the education and the college scene. That's it. If you like the change in the season's then great. There's not much culture or event's for my age group and if you dont like skiing or hiking you won't really have much to do during the long winters, but spend a lot of money at the sport's bars, or clubs. But when the summer finally comes, you definitely have to take advantage of it, cause the beaches are alway refreshing to go to. Oh yeah, if you like seafood, it's the best here. But I won't miss much, just my family.


I have been looking at the jobs down there and they pay isn't that much of a difference then what I make up here v.s other southern states (GA, FL). Eitherway, I am gonna give it a shot - I am soo ready.


P.S I plan to make a few visit's this summer and fall before I finally decide. Even if I don't land a job right away, that's why I've been saving up just in case.

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