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Ahhhhh!! *screams like Homer Simpson trying to build a bbq!*

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I'm feeling frustrated because I met a guy who really seemed to like me and I started to like him too. We were both in a class together. We were shy around each other.


I think he was waiting behind to ask me out, but his friends were teasing him. I think he has waited behind for me before because there was just me and the teacher left in the room and he had no reason to talk to this teacher because he had a different one. He was stood there watching me for 5-10 mins.


He stared at me alot, blushed, smiled when I looked at him or talked to him, plays around with objects by him, I over heard him ask his friends about me and if I was seeing someone.


His friend was jealous because he liked me and now I find out that he has been lying to the guy I like. I won't put too much detail here incase they read this, but the friend said somethings that would have given the guy I like the impression that I was seeing someone and that I wouldn't be interested because we are too different. I was single and I thought me and the guy had alot in common. The friend lied to the guy I like so much and I don't know what else he told him! So I'm worried about that. I planned on asking the guy out, but was ill on the last day and didn't see him.


The problem is that I'm crazy about him and my every thought seems to be about him. I'm not sure what to do because I still want to ask him out, but because I'm shy I never asked him for his number or anything and I won't see him again. I don't know how to get hold of him and I'm not sure how he'll react if I bump into him and ask him out. I don't know if he still likes me or not. I don't know how he feels about me anymore.


What can I do? I've lost alot of good oppertunitys because of my shyness and I really really really like this guy alot! I won't stalk him or anything stupid like that, I still want to ask him out, but how can I do it if I don't know where he is? I can't find his number in the phone book. Should I hold on to maybe bumping into him in town? Or should I just forget him and move on? In my heart I want to be with him and I'm really hoping I get the chance to talk to him and get to know him and see what happens from there. I really miss him and I dunno what to do. Everyday I think about all the stuff we could do together and how much I wanna love him/hug him/kiss him. Any advice please?

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Too different for him.. lol. I think not, me and my girl are exact oppisites, thats what makes a relationship interesting and spontaneous. Hey if you like the guy why dont you make the first move, its not illeagal you know. Ask him out and tell him how you feel, it would be cool if more girls did that. Im sure he would know your situation if you did that. Well, good luck, and happy hunting. Or something like that, peace. out 8)

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