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Is it okay to ask a guy if he's had previous girlfriends?

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I'd like to know if it'd be to weird for a guy to answer if he's had any previous girlfriends.....especially if I weren't going out with him.


I kinda wanna know if it would make him react in any way if I asked him or if it would be wrong.


If anyone has any info on if this is such a good idea or not or how I would go about asking him, then please post any advice you can.


Thanks a bunch.

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In my previous experiences, the direct approach always works. Before my bf and I started dating, he and I both asked each other about our past relationships and what has gone wrong in them. That way, we both learned from our mistakes. It also takes away all the secrecy some couples have with their ex's. But, Protex has the right idea. If you're not comfortable just straight out asking him, her way will definetely work.



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ya thats a good idea. Just plan the conversation in advance....and find someway to work it in.


But how he answers depends on if he has had some negative experiences in the past. Maybe he has, and he might refuse to talk about it...be prepared for that sort of answer.


Anyway, why are you interested in finding out about his previous relationships (if he has had any).????? Maybe as you get to know his friends and family they can tell you more about his past.


"Don't ask that straight up, work it into a conversation. "

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Please excuse this response - I've not read any replies only the main post.


You ask if it would be weird to ask him if he's had girl friends in the past? - Why do you want to know when you are not yet involved with him.


Shouldn't the question be does he CURRENTLY have a girlfriend? - Does not having a previous lady make a man more/less attractive?


Just curious..



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