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girls and guys - how often do you get hit on?


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^ Any guy who is tall and goes to the gym gets an automatic +0.5 on the looks scale haha.


I think the height thing really does affect how attractive sb is to me. Don't particularly care about hair or eye colour, but height is big! Cos I don't like being taller than a guy when I want to wear heels.

You're lucky to be so tall. Though I personally think being 6'1 is probably the perfect height.

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^ Any guy who is tall and goes to the gym gets an automatic +0.5 on the looks scale haha.


I think the height thing really does affect how attractive sb is to me. Don't particularly care about hair or eye colour, but height is big! Cos I don't like being taller than a guy when I want to wear heels.

You're lucky to be so tall. Though I personally think being 6'1 is probably the perfect height.


It's not bad being tall. I think the only negative thing is that sometimes people think just because you are tall you have loads of "game" and can get any woman you want. I mean, I wish that were the case, but it hasn't panned out for me that way, lol.


Working out does increase my confidence a little though. I like that my shoulders are an inch or two wider than the average guy, and my arms are maybe an inch and a half above average.


There are worse things to be than that, I suppose.

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To be honest I was kind of surprised to see this mentioned multiple times in this thread. I've actually never see this happen around where I live. Perhaps it's a big city thing?


I live in a city big, and I happen to live right in the worst neighbourhood. It's filled with creeps and dirtbags. This is mostly who "hits on" me.

It depends on a lot of stuff, like what I'm wearing. Pants and a jacket? Barely anyone says anything. Shorts and a tshirt? Oh yeah.

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...See I consider "Being hit on" as being asked out, which is a rare thing when it comes to women asking men out. I would say I'm averaging once every 5 years by my definition of "Being hit on". ( i.e. woman asking man out )


Otherwise, I get tons of long eye-contact stares from women every day, which is probably something like 5-8 times each day depending on where I am. It's usually on the subway, or in a coffee shop. They stare and stare, but they won't ever approach me.


I know that I am more attractive than average, as I get way more attention than my friends do, and this has always been the case ever since we were teenagers. ( I'm 47 now, and I keep myself in good shape )


In my 20's I lived in Europe for a few years, and my friends and I would sometimes get "wolf-whistles" from women we passed by. I was kind of shocked the first time it happened, as I never expected it. My friends loved it, but I would get embarrassed and my face would turn beet-red. ( didn't help with dating, as none of these women would ever approach us )

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