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I NEED ADVICE FROM a womans point of view

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im 17 and a jr in highschool. im firends with everyone and am kind. theres this girl who i really like. last year i said so and she said lets just be firends for now. she has some type of depression and iv been able to help her with it and were good firends. this year i dont have any classes with her but i think about her alot. she likes horses and farm life. i like computers but really enjoy the country life. we talk about 3 times a week. she doesnt say much to me at school but makes eye contact with me. im not sure how she really feels and im not sure how to ask her. i would like to ask her put but have no clue how to do it, iv never had a girlfirend before and really dont know how to be a boyfriend. ladies any advice. guys can comment too.

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The only way you can know how to be a good boyfriend is if you are one. Sometimes going head first and just trying it out works best. You will discover something about yourself, and then you will know what it is to be a boyfriend. Just go for it. Ask her again. Do the "What are you doing this weekend." Get her number and go on your merry way. Don't get too worked up, cuz when things don't work out you can't be upset. Things have been made up in your mind and make her into something else before you date. So just be careful.



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