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confuse and don't know what to do!

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i'm going through so many emotions and feelings!..like right now i hate my ex wife for leaving without giving us a chance.then i love her and hope she will come back(i will give anything to see her and my baby girl again).now i'm talking to someone and i'm scared to get serious with her(only been separated for 5 months and NC for 6 weeks). i keep thinking my ex wife will message me and all those feelings will come back doesn't help having half her stuff around and the baby big box of toys(it feel like a ghost is hunting me when i see them).sometimes i wish she would just give me my stuff and the ring back so i can move on(i can send some of her and the baby stuff back to her)!..sorry everybody just need some advice and to vent.

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Well it's normal to have those mixed emotions after you break up. It's good that you have gone NC with her because it will help you in the long run. As for her stuff, yes, you need to get it all packed up into boxes and put out of sight and out of mind, you cannot have reminders of her lying around everywhere. You need to get selfish and focus on your own space and your own things now, instead of being concerned about hers.


On a more serious note, you have a legal right to see your child. Just because you feel for your ex wife does NOT mean that you shouldn't pursue this legal right. Is there any reason why you cannot do this?

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Hello mate,


Don't apologise for venting on here, I think it's good to get it all out, type all those frustrating emotions out. And hopefully get some support and clear headed advice


I'm sorry your having a tough day, I can't even begin to comprehend what things must be like with a child involved!


I know what you mean by hating but also still loving your ex, a conflict of 2 polar emotions which just don't mix together but somehow do in times like these. You say that there is someone else you getting interested in but my advice would be not jump into any relationship at the moment, not until you've progressed some more in this situation. Got your head clear and know where you and your ex truly stand.


Maybe it might be best to forward on those things to your ex get them out of your home, I know when I got divorced over a decade ago (wow that long ago) I still had her belongings in the flat 2 years after she left! Not the best scenario.

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Well it's normal to have those mixed emotions after you break up. It's good that you have gone NC with her because it will help you in the long run. As for her stuff, yes, you need to get it all packed up into boxes and put out of sight and out of mind, you cannot have reminders of her lying around everywhere. You need to get selfish and focus on your own space and your own things now, instead of being concerned about hers.


On a more serious note, you have a legal right to see your child. Just because you feel for your ex wife does NOT mean that you shouldn't pursue this legal right. Is there any reason why you cannot do this?


thank you and i want to see my baby girl so bad. the only problem is that she is my step daughter i been raising since she was barely walking and talking.my ex wife mom told me that i was never her father and never will be(that really broke my heart) ... i will start packing some of their stuff tomorrow with some help from my mom.so i wont break down everytime i see their stuff.thanks for the advice!

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thank you so much.. yeah i know if i get into this relationship it won't end good and i don't want to hurt her(i don't want to feel like i'm paying mind games with her either)..its really tough and hard i miss my family so much(even with all anger i got towards my ex wife,i still love her too)...you and knightraine are right, i have to pack their stuff and put it away somewhere(until she want me to send it back or something).i can't keep seeing their stuff anymore,it hurts everytime i do.thanks yall so much for the advice,it meant a lot to me

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didn't want to start a new thread,but i have a new question!..... i was asking a mutual friend(of my ex wife and mines) how long will this go on? i we don't have to get back together,i just want to be friends and be there for the baby.he told me "as long as i let it" what do that mean? i don't want to break NC and start all over again,maybe i'm just reading too much in it.

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didn't want to start a new thread,but i have a new question!..... i was asking a mutual friend(of my ex wife and mines) how long will this go on? i we don't have to get back together,i just want to be friends and be there for the baby.he told me "as long as i let it" what do that mean? i don't want to break NC and start all over again,maybe i'm just reading too much in it.

bump? sorry i need help on this and to make sure i'm not reading too much into this.

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