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Looking for some guidance/ input...


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I've been taking classes at a community college for about four years, now. Honestly, I'm tired of school, but I've been having so much trouble figuring out what kind of career I want, and community college is costing me basically nothing. The first three or so years, I was trying out different computer-related majors, but whenever I'd get to the more technical classes, I just couldn't keep up. I still sort of have an interest in the computer/ IT field, but if I can't wrap my head around the material in the later classes, I can't pass them, and if I can't pass them, I won't be able to get a degree in that field.


So, this year, I switched to majoring in business management. It doesn't seem too difficult, and if I continue with it, I could have an associate's degree by next summer. Thing is, I'm... not really that interested in the accounting or law related areas of business, and honestly, I can't really see myself as a "manager". So, I'm not sure if I should stick with business management or not... Are there any other positions for someone with a degree in this area?


Then there's the fact that I'm not even sure how worthwhile an associate's degree would be. Seems like everyone typically agrees that associate's degrees are pretty much worthless.


I dunno... Honestly, I'm just sick of school, and I'm sick of my current job (part time retail job where all I ever get to do is be cashier...), and I want something better, but I just can't figure out what I want to do, and it's holding me back big time.

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I graduated with a business degree and felt similar to you. I first figured out what I didn't want to do to realize what jobs/positions would be more bearable.

With an IT/general business degree you could become consultant for firms, or perhaps you'd be interested in something like real estate?


A general business degree is very beneficial in this day and age and if you have the IT aspect to support this, it's even better. As for not being able to wrap your head around material... tutors can be your best friend, especially if you're saving so much money on going to community college as you claim.


Good luck

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Community College is costing you nothing?

Where do you live?

If should were more affordable, I'd be a lifer!


Why don't you finish your year (it's gotta be almost done) and go into the work-force full time?

Not at the mall, obviously, but somewhere.

And take on a few extra cirrculars (gym, sports).

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Community College is costing you nothing?

Where do you live?

If should were more affordable, I'd be a lifer!


Well, I'm lucky enough to get grants and scholarships that completely cover the cost of my books and tuition, and I've been getting those every year so far.


Why don't you finish your year (it's gotta be almost done) and go into the work-force full time?

Not at the mall, obviously, but somewhere.

And take on a few extra cirrculars (gym, sports).


I suppose that's an option, but I'm not sure I could juggle being a full time student AND full time worker, and I don't really want to quit school (even temporarily), because I'm pretty stubborn, and I imagine I'd have a very difficult time convincing myself to go back and finish up later. Plus, I really don't know how to find decent work without a college degree. Everyone makes it out like any worthwhile jobs won't even give you a chance if you don't have a degree.


As for not being able to wrap your head around material... tutors can be your best friend, especially if you're saving so much money on going to community college as you claim.


Perhaps, but honestly, I'm not even sure what my problem is. I usually always feel like I understand the material, and everything, but whenever it comes to testing, I seem to do poorly, even when I go in feeling comfortable with the material. So, it's more of an assumption that I don't "get" the material, than anything else, because I don't understand how I can seem to understand the material, only to take a test and get a barely passing grade on it.

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So, anyone have any other input at all? Registration for fall classes opened up yesterday, and I'd like to register now before all the good classes get filled up, but I'm still not really sure what to do, if I should stick with business management, etc.

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