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My ex keeps showing up, but shows his friends I don't exist

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It's probably only me, who was thinking that it would be nice to have some time and space apart from my ex to heal my heart after being dumped. It hurt like hell and no pleadings helped to get him back. Everything got worse when he got drunk and called me to talk out of the blue. He was saying he missed me, suggested to meet and the next day he told his friends he made a mistake and never called again. I was going crazy all those days. So finally, I sent him several messages asking to delete my phone number, not to show up where I go. He didn't care.


YESTERDAY he showed up at the party. He did not care that it will destroy my self-confidence and cause heartache. He could go to any nightclub, but he decided to show up at the party where I was. No hello. He went to dance with girls. I didn't dance, cause I was in shock.


TODAY it was Easter. I had to celebrate it with our mutual friends and he decided to show up again. Again, he could celebrate with anyone else, but he decided to come where I was. It was the first time sitting together in room at the same table. All those times he totally ignored me. He didn't say "Hello". Moreover, he talked with his friends using his native language, which I don't understand. It drove me crazy. I tried to look my best. I was ready to feel confident again, I was laughing, trying to be polite, friendly, helped to prepare food, make him tea, etc. We decided not to use any alcohol. Half of the evening he was playing with his phone. Another half he was debating with his friends about something irrelevant. Finally it was about 3 a.m. when he decided to drive 3 people (2 men and one girl) home. The girl lived in the same house as me, so my friends asked him if he can also drive me home together. He said "No" and they left. So the party host had to drive me home himself. I tried to do my best, not to beg, not to write him messages, smile, but he just didn't care. He didn't care that I made food for all of them (which he didn't touch), he didn't care if it was painful for me to see him. I felt like he kicked straight to my heart. I still feel like a total trash.


Why does he keep showing up and hurting me?

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