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This is me again. I finally started talkin to the girl i like at school. Not really talk but i say hi. I wanna ask her out but dont know how. I'm too scared and i keep chickening out. My friend said to ask for her # first, then tell her i like her and see what she says. IDK i'm to scared to even get her #. How should i go about gettin her # and what should i say when i try to get it. And also, if anybody has any suggestions on how i should ask her out, then tell me PLZ!!!!!!

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Just keep talking to her and it will get easier. I have some ideas about asking her for the number. I am not sure if you have a cell phone or what your method for keeping up with phone numbers is, but I did this once and it worked really well. I was just kind of distractedly looking at my cell phone and I told this guy I like that I just realized I dont even have your phone number in my directory. He told me later that he thought that was a really good way to get his number. Sure I knew all along I didnt have it, but it was easier than just saying "would you give me your phone number?" Of course you can try that too. You can get an alternate reason to get her number like you could tell her you think you are getting the flu and would she mind if you call her to get your assignments? That is if you and her have any classes together? You could try that or maybe you could get a friend to ask her? Or maybe slip her a note with your phone number on it? Then she might just call you. Hope this helped some. I wish you the best of luck!

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