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Guys please help...ive never been in this situation

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Ok so i went to a dance tonight and met this guy. After dancing for a while we go and sit down and talk and he asks for my number. I give it to him and im like ok lets go back on the dancefloor and dance and he says ok.


On the way to the dance floor this girl from my school comes up to us and shes like "hey this is my boyfriend" and all this stuff but she says that they date other people and stuff. she seems pretty laid back about it and so i leave them to talk.


later on in the night i see him and ask him if he really was with her and he said that she was his ex, then i ask him to dance and he's like "no im looking for someone maybe later." I talk to his ex ( the girl that goes to my school) and she was like she was just messing around and that they broke up a while ago.


Now i dont know what to do i meen he didnt come and dance with me again all night. What would u guys be thinking about me it that happened because he seemed to totaly loose interest. It really sucks because we were having a really good conversation and we were really getting along. do u think he'll call or whats he probably thinking.


Thanx for helping

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hey princess, you didn't give much info, but i'll give my 2 cents worth.


Seems that you really liked the guy back there. The fact that he asked you for your number in the first place shows that the initial attaction is there. I won't be to bothered about the fact that he didn't follow up with more dancing that night.


Some guys I know like to play games like these. They ask for a girl's number, and keep them waiting for a few days before calling them. Wait a few days, if he's interested in you, I'm sure he will call back.


If he doesn't call back, or if the dance you were mentioning happened a few weeks ago, then I'm sorry, he's probably forgotten about you. You may receive a call, maybe 2-3 weeks later, but you can be sure that he won't be sincerely wanting to know when he makes that call after 3 weeks. he's probably bored or down, and wants to have some fun.


I can tell that you're interested in him. If he doesn't call back after a few days, it's up to you to take action to show him you're not the average girl. Actively seek him out and engage him, or if you are shy, drop him a few hints like smiling at him from far, or saying hi and engaging in small talk whenever you meet.


Hope this helps



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