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I've just deleted him from my FB

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A week ago my ex asked me about one of my acquaintances and I lied that I don't know him. Actually we were spending time in parties before meeting my "prince charming". I just thought "What's the point? We weren't a couple, why do I need to hurt you by telling you about my past with other guys?" And sooner or later he found it out from our mutual friends and dumped me by sms for lying.


First he even wanted to dump me without letting me know, but my friends convinced him to tell the truth. So since last week I was in such a shock, writing him 2 sms, 3 letters. He replied me just once (again, my friends convinced him to do that) and said that it's better to break up sooner than later. Well, I tried to do my best, asking my friends to convince him at least to talk to me for 5 minutes, to let me tell WHY I did that. Guess what? Many "No." It just broke my heart. I couldn't sleep, I was crying all time, thinking of him. And my friends told me that he's trying to find now a new girl just to get over me faster. I tried to give him a week of NC. It didn't help. Tonight my friends tried to talk to him again and he just told them another strict "No".


How stubborn he must be?! Tonight I just gave up. I can't crawl after him each time. I can't write tons of letter without any reply. I can't beg so much. I still have his stuff at my home, so I just decided to give it back to my friends, who will return everything to him. And I've just deleted him from my FB. I just can't beg him anymore. It humiliates me.

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Yeah, guys, at least now I don't hope anything form him anymore. I don't wait for him to contact me. I just put a period in this story and I will try to move on. I really need a loyal guy, who could forgive me small mistakes, because everyone does them and I already said "sorry" for too many times to him. I just can't do it anymore. It's not the person I am.


Ps, I was reading many stories in this forum and I've noticed that many members inform their "exes" that they're moving on and let them know that they are not going to contact them anymore. This is one more thing which I decided NOT to do. What's the point? I think if a person really likes you - he will find a way to contact you no matter what. I'm not too confident about myself, but I'm sure that I'm also worth someone better than him, even if I do mistakes.

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