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prefer same type? would like to see what is in the other box


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Came up with this wonder because i live in multinational community, where in a club you will at least meet another 50 different nationalities, all of them are just having fun and mixing together, so the question is

is it better and/or more safe to commit to someone from the same country? Culture? Religion? Or it would be better to explore new horizons ?

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I am of the opinion that love knows no boundries. If you are attracted to people of different ethnicity, culture, religion, etc., it's no big deal. I have dated many women of many different backgrounds, and have had some great relationships! As long as you are both respectfull of your DIFFERENCES, a mixed relationship can work.


I say respectfull because I have dated women who have tried to get me to change my ways to suit THEIR cultural beliefs, and that doesn't work. If you choose to embrace your partner's culture that's great! But it shouldn't be forced on you.


I am married to a Filipino (born in US) and I have delved right into the culture! I love Filipinos and the food, language (I have learned a lot of Tagalog) and culture! My wife is very appreciative and loves me more because I am becoming more of a F.O.B. everyday!


She was born here, so she is "Americanized" so we have the American culture in common. The only thing we disagree on is religion. She's Catholic and I'm an Atheist. But, we don't argue about it.


But, long story short...there's nothing wrong with sampling the international buffet!!

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Living overseas would be awesome! I have a friend I served in the Marines with. He was stationed in Japan and met a girl who's father was a seafood BILLIONAIRE. Her Dad owned a fleet of fishing ships or something...


Anyway, while we were on deployment to the Middle East, every port we stopped at for R&R, she was there. After he got out of the Marines, he married her and moved to Japan. He took a job with her Father and lived happily ever after!


If you've never been overseas, go for it. If the relationship doesn't work, you can always come back!!

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I'm in a long term relationship with a man who is American but of Chinese heritage. It's quite interesting when we travel, especially to Asia because he only speaks English lol. But anyway, be prepared for the differences, but don't be afraid of them. Like any relationship, if you can accept and live with the differences, you're good to go.


As for living overseas, if you have the money and nothing else is holding you back, go for it! But as a person who IS living overseas, it is a big difference from home and requires a lot of paperwork, so be ready for all of that. I would personally wait until I had a solid foundation with the person before moving to live with/near them, but sometimes diving right in is a great way to go.


Good luck!

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I am of the opinion that love knows no boundries. If you are attracted to people of different ethnicity, culture, religion, etc., it's no big deal. I have dated many women of many different backgrounds, and have had some great relationships! As long as you are both respectfull of your DIFFERENCES, a mixed relationship can work.
Very well said RobzGr8.


My wife is very appreciative and loves me more because I am becoming more of a F.O.B. everyday!
That's a cute way of putting it. I completely agree with you Rob. Mixed-race relationships are passionate in a sense that couples are able to embrace each other's differences. It's what spices things up in a relationship, and adds flavor to the chemistry. Inter-racial relationships are often beneficial. If we can expand our knowledge and horizons in learning about different cultures, then I think that's what makes a world a better place.


It's so nice to see how people can love each other despite their ethnicities. I give so much props for those who do chose to marry interacially. They might have to struggle against some of society's social prejudices, but the fact that these couples could care less about what others say, is something that I truly admire. It just shows how strong of a bond they have. Oh, and last but not least, mixed race babies are often one of the cutest. Look at Halley Berry, Kristen Kreuk, and Kimora Lee Simmons.


Nice Topic AwsomeDude.

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