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Ok me and my ex have been broken up for about 2 months and we haven't been talking because it was such a harsh breakup. But about two days her friend who is a girl slept over my house in the same bed with me nothing sexual happened becaues we are just friends plus she has a boyfriend. And my ex found and got mad and called me to find out what happened and i told her nothing happened. Well we wound up talking for a couple hours and she still has all the stuff i got her that i thought she would have thrown away because she said she hated me the last time we talked. She said she missed me and that i treated her like gold when we where together. I also told her i still had feelings for her and she said she sill has feelings for me. The next day she calls and says that she put her pics of me back up on her locker. Would somebody help me do think she wants me back? Because i still love this girl and i would do anything to get back with her. I was the happest person when we where together and me and her where great together. So please HELP ME!!!!!!!!1

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i would just like to know why did u and her friend sleep in the same bed. YOur lucky that she trust you, because alot of females would not go for that...myself included. Trust is also a very important factor in a relationship, because it holds u together...


Sounds like she still loves you, and that isolated situation caught her offguard, and it shook her into reality of how much she loves you. Just take it slow, and discuss (if u can) whateva caused u 2 break up, and iron out difficulities b4 u try to rekindle any love lost.


good luck



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  • 1 month later...

She's controlling you like a pawn. Stand up for yourself and don't give in. Once she sees that you're better then that, she might come back. If she does don't let her walk all over you again, if she doesn't you're better off without her.


Quite frankly, people like that need to grow up.

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HMMMM..I tend to be a little bit vindictive towards the ones that break up with me. If I had slept in the same bed with one of my ex's friends, id have made sure that the orgasims were better than my ex had ever gotten.


Take THAT back to your friend.

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