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Girls might be intimidated by you


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If you are a guy who has problems with finding a girl to open up to you I don't think the problem is you. I noticed most times that girls are very reluctant to initiate anything short of a friendship, or asking a favor (Like asking the time, borrowing something).


Now everytime I go to a relationship site I see the same general advice which is *as a man you must be the first one to initiate everything*. Doesn't sound like an equal opportunity situation does it? Now True given most women will get asked out because there are a lot of egotistical guys out there They will basically hound a girl until she finally says yes, So we pretty much know there is never going to be a reason where a faily attractive girl will even need to go out of her way to make friends with a guy just to date them. Hence where the non chalont attitude comes from.


My point is this can't really be labled a Introverted guys fault (notice I did not say shy because there is a difference). I think us guys are victims of reverse discrimination; otherwise called gender role. It's not that we can't talk to a girl we just really don't want to break our necks just so women can pick and choose, and double dip on who they will make a disicion to date exclusivley.

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I totally don't agree that guys *should* initiate everything. However, I am on the other side of the fence. In the past I have always initiated the first conversation, the phone number, asking for a date, etc, etc. And to be honest with you...I am really tired of it! I would love....if a guy, for once in my life would initiate SOMETHING! So I understand from the other side of the fence of always putting in the effort. I think that it should be a shared venture.

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Thank you mustang CK takes a bow \




G4E It's very rare that a girl has to initiate everything since they are the ones that can sit back and let the guys come to them, now I didn't say it was going to be quality types guys, but atleast it's guys never the less. Shoot I have known more gay guys to approach more than women, it's a darn shame actually [-X but now we guys have somebody to see it from our prespective.

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Doorik makes his triumphant return (heavy applause from the crowd)




Well, we have discussed similar subjects in the past haven't we ? Unfortunately it almost always fall upon deaf ears. The women have the advantage when it comes to asking out/initiating etc. and they will never NEVER relinquish it. What it comes down to is this CK, either ALL and I mean ALL men decide that enough and is enough, and just refuse to ask girls out thus forcing them to do so. The other option is for women to become "modern", "confident"etc. In all honesty, I believe the first option is more likely than the second.


Wait a second, maybe, just maybe the second option is occurring in our society right now.......OMG sorry I thought I just saw a pig fly by my apartment window so I wasn'tthinking straight.

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Wait a second, maybe, just maybe the second option is occurring in our society right now.......OMG sorry I thought I just saw a pig fly by my apartment window so I wasn'tthinking straight.





I get alot of woman telling me I could have any woman I want lately, because I've been down and out and seem to be in a dry spell, as far as quality goes. But there is not a shortage of ugly/fat girl who wants to date me and will approach me, sorry if this offends any one but I need a physical attraction as well as a personality, so I start with the basics and what I have to work with at the time. Usually though if its a good looking girl I have to work for it and pursue her, which makes me think, am I the ugly one??or do these woman have me by the short and curlies??

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we have discussed similar subjects in the past haven't we ? Unfortunately it almost always fall upon deaf ears.


Doorik yes we have, that's why I feel like reincarnating this to let the guys who ain't hear it the first time hear it again.


The women have the advantage when it comes to asking out/initiating etc. and they will never NEVER relinquish it.


True; you won't get an argument from me outta that one.


either ALL and I mean ALL men decide that enough and is enough, and just refuse to ask girls out thus forcing them to do so. The other option is for women to become "modern", "confident"etc.


That's a good one modern women; we all know women become modern when the situation suits them, otherwise you will be waiting till she gets old and wrinkly for that day to come around.


As for men putting the pressure on women to do part of the asking too, that's what I was thinking but it will never happen because as we know some guys are conditioned by other meatheads and women to make the first move. Rules out any chance of either one doesn't it?

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