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Hope for the future?


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I'll start at the beginning, I met this girl 2 months ago at one of my gigs (friend of a friend) we hit it off from the start, in the same night we went to a club where we danced and kissed till she had to leave.


I got her number and since then we text each other near everyday, after a week I asked her out for dinner she said she would love to. Sadly this was rescheduled to 6 weeks later as we were both busy. She apologised at the start of the date for being busy, after the date she text me how she loved it enjoyed her time alot. Success!


Thing is I've had a feeling for the last month that she may be playing me, ino she was busy alot with uni and work like me but something felt unclear.

Being she text everyday and showed all the signs that she liked me it was confusing, when she brags about me to friends, flirts, asks about me to my friends and wanted me involved in her life.


So I asked her yesterday how she felt as I didn't want to waste effort on something that wouldn't go anywhere. She told me she was sorry she was unclear but she's so busy with work, uni and assessments that its not the ideal time for her to date, she said she had a nice time with me on our date and hopes to see me when I'm out with our friend and gigs etc


I get the feeling at first she was excited and keen, but as reality hit of how much time she doesn't have she decided it would be best to not date right now. But yet because she likes me she only reacted naturally by replying and texting flirting etc without thinking. It's a shame but I have huge respect for a girl that shows drive and passion to her work. Thing is does anyone think there's hope for the future ino by summer we will both be more free and that's about 4 months and I have no intention to lose contact but maybe cut it down? And no intention to sit and wait but get on with life, luckily this hasnt affected it in anyway


Bad timing for us perhaps?

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I wouldn't plan on it. If now isnt ideal time for her to date then she wouldn't be going out to dinner and flirting. Sounds like maybe she lost interest? I've said and done similar things when i think i may like a guy and then don't really...

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Hmmm could be right, but Im not sure why someone of lost interest would even keep replying and keep the texting going? It may be a bit of both no time and loss interest perhaps. She is extremely busy with her work and uni it was always a nightmare for us both to find time to go out. I dont plan to sit around waiting for her I want to get on with my life and ive stopped texting her to leave it be, I may contact in future and just send a small happy birthday text on her birthday and thats about it.

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