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Help Me.....


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Ok, so theres this girl I really like. I've been getting to know her alot lately. Shes friends with my best friend and he really wants to see us together, but I dont want to ask him to hook us up or anything. We go to a rec center and play Basketball or just hang out every Monday and Wednesday. We ride the same bus to and home from school so we sit together sometimes. I really think she likes me too, but I'm not sure. I'm a REALLY shy guy and I dont know what to do. My friend wont be going to the rec with us tomorrow so we're gonna be the only people we know there. So I'm thinking this is my chance to make a move. I just have NO IDEA what to do. In the past i've always just assumed that if a girl liked me it would all just fall into place..but thats never how it works. So if anyoen has any advice for me on how to make a move and get this started I would GREATLY appreciate it.




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If you think this girl might like you, then go for it. What's the harm in asking her out? The worst she can do is say no. And if you never ask, it's gonna be a NO for sure.


Since you spend so much time with her and see her everyday, it shouldn't be so hard to talk to her. Asking a girl out may seem intimidating, but it's really simple. All you gotta do is ASK. And you don't have to be all cheesy about it, or try to be all cool, or anything like that. That's all movies and Soap Network.


Best way to start is to start simple. If you attend activities where she is always there, start by suggesting that you could go together. That'll give you more one on one time. If she shoots down that idea, don't be discouraged...it just might not be convienent for her. You could take a leap and just be like, "Hey...such and such a movie is coming out this weekend. Let's go see it together."


That's subtle. Also, you're not really asking her...you're telling her. People naturally respond to a "command" if you do it politely. It works! I was in sales for a while, and if you ASK someone to buy something, they are going to say "Yes" or "No." If you TELL someone to buy it, they won't be able to get out of it so easily and it gives you time to show them all the good stuff you got. It never fails.


Dating is selling yourself. Most girls know right off the bat if you are going into the "friend" catagory, or if you are going into the "potential boyfriend" catagory. They usually arrive at that conclusion within 10-15 minutes after meeting you. So you have to be quick when you are acting on something like this.


One thing you gotta remember is that once you put it out there that you like her and want to "date" her, you can't take it back. If a girl is into you, she'll respond positively. If not, well...she'll usually treat you like dirt and ignore you forever. If the girl is cool, she'll just come out and tell you that you are just her friend...and mean it. Then, no harm, no foul.


But, you can't obsess over the possible negatives. Ask this girl out. One way or the other...just ask her out. Don't be afraid to hear the word no. If she says no, you're no worse off that if you didn't ask her out. And, if you ask enough girls, one will eventually say yes.

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