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Will she ever end up texting me?


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Ok so heres what happened with us. I typed the whole thing in this thread about a week ago when everything was happending.


Please Read it and give me your full opinion:

enotalone.c om/forum/showthread.php?t=411183


so heres what happened today: this will be mylast time texting her and trying to make things better. I asked her today via text what i did wrong. we had a small argument(i never insulted her or cussed). She ended up saying that we were only friends, just that no more than that(which is a lie, if you read my post you can tell she is. plus everyone including her friends think it is). We argued about that a little then it ended up with her saying, ok. Thats all she replied. Then after school(3 hours after the text saying ok) i texted her this. My last ever text to her unless she texts me first.


"Alright well i just wanna say that i tried my best working things out. I cared for you and showed you this by continuing to try to make things better. i also treated you good and we had some good times. But you handled everything wrong and its your loss. i tried."


She never did reply to that. But my question is, in time maybe a week or so will she ever text me saying hey or anything? will she realize she was wrong? or should i text her in a month talking normal?


Need opinions.


Thanks guys/girls it helps alot! :shame:

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I hate to break this to you, but you are better off hearing it now than later. Leave her alone. Nothing you can say is going to change her mind. Only time, and distance. No amount of convincing or texting or talking will do you any good. I will also add that sitting by that phone waiting and hoping will only ensure it doesnt happen. Make sure you stick to your guns about not communicating with her anymore. If you can find a way, put the phone away and get out and do something to take your mind off of her. When you get to the point where you can go a whole day without thinking about her, thats when she might text you....but then you have a whole new set of problems to worry about. Hang in there and stay strong.

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This is a quote I have been reading nearly every day for the last week. I want you to read every word, digest it and then thinking again before getting in touch with her....


"You really need to just let go, it may be forever, but more than likely it will not be forever because if you truly believe you had a special connection you can't stay away forever. You will more than likely reconnect in some capacity down the line whether it be a hello, friends or try dating again. For now take comfort in that you did make an effort to work things out. You did make an effort to talk. You did make an effort to let her know how you felt and what you wanted. She didn't want that and now you just have to accept it until one of you change and meet on common ground - if that ever happens. You've done all that you can do, now it's time to leave it in god's hands."

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I read your other posts, and this one.


This girl MAY have liked you initially.. but you both are young teenagers and feelings can change in no time. From experience I can absolutely guarantee you that your ONLY option to even staying friends with this girl is to go your own way. Don't think about her anymore like the others have said, and focus on your personal happiness.


Depending on one person for your happiness will destroy you. Once you're content with where you are in life again ... that's when she may find you attractive, but it doesn't matter. It's irrelevant and she shouldn't factor into your thought anymore.


You're constantly asking for opinions... here they are. Ignore our unanimous advice at your own risk but it will very likely just make you look desperate/needy and bury you further. Be your own man and forget this one girl.

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I read your other posts, and this one.


This girl MAY have liked you initially.. but you both are young teenagers and feelings can change in no time. From experience I can absolutely guarantee you that your ONLY option to even staying friends with this girl is to go your own way. Don't think about her anymore like the others have said, and focus on your personal happiness.


Depending on one person for your happiness will destroy you. Once you're content with where you are in life again ... that's when she may find you attractive, but it doesn't matter. It's irrelevant and she shouldn't factor into your thought anymore.


You're constantly asking for opinions... here they are. Ignore our unanimous advice at your own risk but it will very likely just make you look desperate/needy and bury you further. Be your own man and forget this one girl.


yeah im moving on! didnt talk/text her today and dont plan on it. She has to textme if she ever wants anything again

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In other words, you are going to wait ,and are still wondering if she is going to ever text you? In these situations we think the world will be all better if we could just hear from them. Not usually the case. The problems just get bigger when they do. If you are in the mindset of waiting for her contact and planning to jump at the first sign....maybe make yourself a promise that you will let the next 3 attempts by her go unanswered. Remember, this person left you and does not deserve your immediate attention to every whimsical message whenever they feel like it.

Hang in there casualdude.... be strong.


NIC is IMO a slippery slope that we use to justify ourselves. In reality, it makes them feel better knowing they can get you back anytime.

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In other words, you are going to wait ,and are still wondering if she is going to ever text you? In these situations we think the world will be all better if we could just hear from them. Not usually the case. The problems just get bigger when they do. If you are in the mindset of waiting for her contact and planning to jump at the first sign....maybe make yourself a promise that you will let the next 3 attempts by her go unanswered. Remember, this person left you and does not deserve your immediate attention to every whimsical message whenever they feel like it.

Hang in there casualdude.... be strong.


NIC is IMO a slippery slope that we use to justify ourselves. In reality, it makes them feel better knowing they can get you back anytime.


what does NIC is IMO mean?lol nad i havent talked to since wendesday. im tempted on going to a picture on facebook that she posted. where when we had a thing i put "looking good maddie " and "she put thanks dave and liking the comment. three people liked it. but will that ruin anything oraffectanything? i feel it will. lol not communicating with her is a really hard thing seeing as proms coming up in a couple months and i have no other girl to go to lol

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i was in this exact position..

seriously just give her space i give her TWO WEEKS TOOPPPPPSS before she cracks.

as motivation i always thought "if he can do this (not talk to me), than so can i"

you did your part by trying to fix it but don't lower yourself to begging.

NO ONE deserves to be begged to, so don't even bother!!

you'll be okay.

i'm a freshman in college and my ex is a hs senior... its a very very similar situation!

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i was in this exact position..

seriously just give her space i give her TWO WEEKS TOOPPPPPSS before she cracks.

as motivation i always thought "if he can do this (not talk to me), than so can i"

you did your part by trying to fix it but don't lower yourself to begging.

NO ONE deserves to be begged to, so don't even bother!!

you'll be okay.

i'm a freshman in college and my ex is a hs senior... its a very very similar situation!


what happens when the two weeks is up and she hasnt cracked? its hard. plus she always likes her ex's stuff on facebook which really bugs me.... can you tell me your situation? or is it too long?

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