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I tend to like trimmed pubic hair, perhaps in a wide stripe, and completely clean further down.


The ladies I've talked to say the less hair there is, the cleaner they feel.


I personally think most of the hair we have, except for that on our heads, is a hangover from when we either didn't wear clothing (way back when), or the clothing was inadequate. For most of us, modern housing and clothing negates the need for most body hair, but we haven't evolved that way yet. When I think of it that way, I'd prefer less hair.


Also, a point on maturity. A mature woman clean shaven looks radically different than a young girl. That part of a lady's body changes in what I believe to be a very nice way as they age. So to be honest, I'd prefer to see it properly...

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I always liked it shaved because it made my ex-gf look very sexy and clean. It also just looked better in general when she kept it well groomed as to letting it grow out. I think most guys prefer that a girl keep it groomed and not spreading over her inner thighs. Girls complain that guys like completely bald vaginas because it makes their women look like preteen girls (like having sex with a 12 year old in our minds or something). There might be some truth to that, but I always thought a cleaner, nearly bald vagina had less "smell" and I could always see more of her labia and inner folds. To me that was sexy to see.

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i think i would prefer it shaved but hey why should u trust me?I have done nothing with a girl in my life not even have held a girls hand.I mean would u trust a guys judgement who is about as sexually ignorant as a 10 year old boy i know i wouldnt.But if u want to take my opinion then thats fine with me but remember im stupid!

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