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an unwanted incident =S


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Hi alli asked a friend of mine to ask the girl that i like if she has a boyfriend. instead she asked if she (Sarah) likes me. so now she for sure knows that i like her. will this make it harder for me to meet her? i havent introduced myself yet =S. also...a bunch of people are telling me to ask her out but i want tio know more about her....though a dance is coming up. is this ok or right to do?

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Well, it depends really, but no. If she has any physical attraction to you, and she knows you like her, she'll probably start thinking of you as a potential bf.. if she already has a boyfriend, well, you didn't really know her, so you couldn't have known.. so dont really worry about it.

I think you should go for it -- introduce yourself, ask her to the dance -- what have you got to lose? ^^

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