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poem please read and reply thanks=)


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I feel so alone and empty inside of my heart,

I have thought about the past and why we are apart.


I think about the way things use to be,

I was with you or you were with me.


I think about the ways that you always made me smile,

Even though we are apart I have felt this way for awhile.


When I am down and I feel like crying,

I remind myself im living and that I'm not dying.


But still I feel like a part of me has been taken away,

I think about you each and every day.


I hope that you notice that I do still care,

That I have not forgotten the things we use to share.


Mabe oneday we can try to work things out,

Dont ever think that we cant never have any doubt.


I hope you know that you still have my whole heart,

Nothing has changed I have loved you from the start.


I might act like I am fine and I have moved on by,

But when I think about you I begin to cry.


I know that I will always and forever be here for you,

Anything that happens I will be right here all the way through.


So I wish apoun a star that you are thinking of me,

That oneday we will both open our hearts and minds to see.


So I want to let you know that you are my soul mate,

I am counting on our love for one another no longer fate.


tell me what you think?? by me

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Hey, Im not normally the mushy type but...


I have to admit that this poem just brought tears. It's funny how I was just thinking about the times I once shared with her...so I just went to this website and here it is. The most beautiful poem I think I have ever read.


It hurts doesn't it? I mean...those times when you and your loved one are inseparable...and then suddenly, it's all gone. A distant memory.


*sigh* I don't think I can even describe in words, how much I miss my girl. But I guess thats what makes love so different, so special....it can heal the weakest but can destroy even the strongest.

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