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how do i help her...

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my best friend has tried to kill herself many times before. she hates herself and she thinks shes just a terrible person. the truth is that i look up to her...she is my hero. shes everything i want to be and so much more. shes smart,pretty, has a great personality, is loved by many, but she still hates herself. shes been a cutter for sometime now and she still occasionally tries to kill herself. shes never really scared me until lately. i can't live without her...i mean i've already had two of my best friend pass away i dont need another one to go too. she means everything to me and i can't lose her! lately shes been having a tough time dealing with everything....and we dont talk as much about stuff like we used to. im so scared that shes gonna do something...except i get the feeling that this time if she does....she'll be gone. what can i do??? how do i talk to her?? please help

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You need to do two things...


One: you need to tell her how you feel... what you said was powerful stuff... you need to let her know exactly how you feel and how much she means to you...


Two: you have to tell someone... a teacher, councilor, her parents.... Someone... she needs to get help... and even if she has told you that she can figure it out on her own... you still need to tell someone... like this is a big thing... and you need to do it soon...


So I would say ASAP talk to an adult or councilor or teacher... just someone with authority... so the situation can get handled... and then call her up and tell her that you are worried about her... and you love her and that she means so much to you...


(I don't know if this is something that is already known by her parents, or authorities... but if it isn't it needs to be... if it hasn't you need to talk to someone... she might be mad at you... but in the long run she will thank you because you will have probably saved her life...)

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Well,you definitely need to have a serious talk with her.Tell her exactly what yiou just explained to us.That she means so much to you and you couldnt bare to lose her.Maybe,if you tell her this,she wont hate herself anymore.She will feel loved.Your friend is lucky to have someone like you.I am sure after you talk with her,it will make her think.Good luck and if you ever need someone to talk to feel free to PM me.



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Just keep being her friend. You cannot "cure" someone magically (although I'll admit it would be nice). You just need to let her know you are always there for her and that you care about her deeply.


If she is in deep trouble, talk to a counselor or a parent about what is going on. They can step in and help get her back on her feet.

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You have to do something before she does...........you said you dont want 2 lose her..........so you are going 2 have 2 do something about it before she does something she regrets..........I no you 2 have something against telling teachers and people like that............but this is one of those things that u are going 2 have 2 for the sake or her and urself......If you dont tell some1............and u let her do things on her own..........tragedy mite just happen...........and we all no that no1 out there wants 2 happen..........talk 2 her is probably the best thing you can do rite now...........if she doesnt listen and doesnt care........thats when u tell some1

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