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Need advice on a possible job application.

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I work at a Dairy Queen. I have been looking for a new job for a number of months now, have got some interviews but no suitable positions (I need full time if I want to eventually move out of home again, I'm only offered part time at higher quality jobs, ie. office positions). I took a break from my job search for a few weeks because I was feeling down about it but now I'm back into it. I saw an ad in the paper for a dental receptionist in my town, but it said I must know Abeldent and I don't so I didn't apply. However, I saw the ad again this week so I'm wondering if they haven't got that many resumes and if it is worth applying, even though they still specify Abeldent knowledge is needed. I HAVE in the past applied to jobs which I don't really have the qualifications for and have never heard anything back, so I'm just wondering if applying to this job would be a waste of my time. I just don't want to waste any more time and energy on non-leads. What do you think? Btw I do have a bachelor of arts degree (2010 graduate). The reason I didn't start my job search until a few months ago is that I was just working at the Dairy Queen while living at home to pay my student loan off and I felt I couldn't really take a chance on leaving until the loan was paid.

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I think if you have a chance at a "higher quality job" that only is part time - take it. You can work at DQ or wait tables part time along side it while the higher quality job offers you the resume credit you are looking for. I landed a job at an attorney's office. It was just 3 days a week - worked out to be about 25 hours. I was glad I took it. I then did temp jobs and part time jobs and under the table work on weekends and one day during the week. It worked out great. I actually was making only slightly less in 25 hours than I was in working 45 at the job I had before. I would take a chance, because when someone goes on maternity leave, the business expands or they see what you can do, that person offering the office job could give you more hours or you could eventually apply for something else in awhile.

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I know, it depends on the pay though. The pay that they were offering at these part-time jobs was only a bit higher than at DQ (around $12/hr as opposed to the $10.75 I should be making by summer at DQ), and I would have had to move to Ottawa (closest city to me) and rent an apartment on those part-time salaries.. almost undoable. Whereas my job at Dairy Queen is basically full time most weeks and I'm getting raised to $10.75 before the summer.

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