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Feel like throwing up!

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Okay, I am still with my boyfriend, but everytime I think about him I feel like throwing up- like a break up throw up! My stomach gets all tight and I just don't feel good. Does anyone have an explanation about this? If you read my previous psoting you will notice that he has just cheated on me- about a month and a 1/2 ago. He is the only guy I have ever kissed, and I have been with him since high school. So why do I feel like getting sick when I think about our relationship, we are not broken up but sometimes I feel we are on the verge, but maybe it is just me since he just cheated on me and I trusted him. PLEASE HELP

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Wow I have the exact same reaction when someone I like hurts me. I think it's very normal to feel this way. Our bodies naturally respond to our emotions.


Maybe you are still very hurt and it "comes out" this way. Don't keep your feelings bottled up inside you girl. Let them out so that you can deal with them, heal and move on.

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