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Oh nooo I just emailed my boss...big mistake?!

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We were meant to have our annual reviews in November - none of my team has had theirs yet, our manager stating that he needs more time or some other excuse. I'm tearing my hair out because last year I didn't meet expectations by two points because I'm "not enough of a team player" (which shocked my colleagues, but a lot in our team failed. He's nothing if not pedantic). If I fail again they can bring my pay down and "retrain" me. After five years of working there. I was absolutely gutted to fail in 2010.


I just emailed saying I NEED my review because otherwise I don't see a future for myself with this company. I work hard and other managers constantly praise me but if my own manager can't see it I've started thinking what's the point? In my email I stated that I love my job but if I'm not going to meet expectations, despite my hard work and achievements, then I have to consider my options. I explained I'm having a bit of an identity crisis...now I'm wondering if I should've just kept my mouth shut and waited it out a bit longer.


Do you think I've gone a bit far? Waiting two months longer for a yearly review is doing my head in. I just want to meet expectations, the next step up from that is mastery which I'm obviously out of the running for, but I read my email back to my friend and he reckoned it sounded like I was threatening to leave if I didn't get mastery. That wasn't the idea at all! I basically just need to know if it's worth hanging in there or not. If you were a boss, would you be pissed if your employee sent an email along those lines? I'm starting to think I've just done myself in.

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It's hard to say whether or not it was a mistake - it sounds like you are stating your expectations and needs. But on the other hand, emails can sometimes be misinterpreted...


It might have been better to express your thoughts on this in person rather than in an email just before they fill out your eval...


When you do go in for your evaluation then be prepared to provide information/results of your work efforts, as well as the fact that you are respected at work by peers and superiors.


Also, provide examples of how you have improved in the areas that they thought you should work on.


Be positive and continue to let your boss know that you love your job (do you?). Just don't let on that you don't like your boss, otherwise you are doomed.


You could look for transfer opportunities within your company and be under a different boss...


Next time post your letter here first so we can help you edit it!

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Well, I dont know how your manager will respond BUT your friend is right: you stated that you "don't see a future for yourself with this company" and that does sound like an ultimatum, i am afraid. Even as you acknowledge that you "love your job," you also say that you "have considered your options" which, to me, sounds like you're saying you're considering leaving the job.


So, based on your email, it does sound like you are saying that you are seriously considering leaving the company.

I dont think I would be "pissed" if I received this email from an employee but I would be concerned about this employee's loyalty to the job -- if they're saying they're prepared to bolt, i would take their word for it and assume that they will leave.



I dont know of your manager has the power to fire you.

And I dont know if he CAN fire you for this email alone.

But what he MIGHT be able to do is make a note of this in your annual review, which may work against you.

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^^^^^ I agree ...most importantly stay confidant and eager


you will soon know when you get a response ..if your boss calls you in re the email then you have the chance to express your worries and concerns and what lead you to writing to him ... you can explain how you felt you needed to write as your career is important to you and you where trying to help yourself by going in the right direction.


I don't imagine in all honesty any boss been overly happy because your in effect telling him he hasn't done his job properly by been late with this ... but hopefully he will just see your enthusiastic and concerned about your future .


Its done now ..and I am sure you will get the opportunity to explain your feelings .


I wouldn't worry too much ..I certainly didn't read your post thinking "oh my god what have you done" ...

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