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The NC Rule is SOOOOO HARD!!!

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i only asked for one more chance ONE time, and then i stumbled on this forum, and it gave me hope. thank you all. ive been putting the no contact into effect, but how does it work in school? like what if i bump into her or we make eye contact? do i just ignore her? or do i say hi or something?

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i know the feeling, i wrote her a sweet letter...and ofcourse i expect her to read it, i felt impatient because i wanna know what she thinks about the letter, so i called her if she got the letter, i even ask her if she read it, and ask her what she felt when she read the letter...she got annoyed and told me that she'll call back but she never did...stupid me.


that experience made me really sick, i hope you won't do the same mistake like what i did.

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Hello MrMikeWikowski


I think you love this girl sooooo much and its hard, but have you tried to date other girls?


just my opinion but i do believe we cannot forget our ex its already a part of us now, i would like to know if you have tried to move on or just waiting for her to come back, does it hurt? what was exactly your goal after the break up?


i'm so sorry for all the questions?

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