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My lips peel

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Well, when I workout I tend to lick my lips a lot since they get dry and I don't like them dry, then I look in the mirror, and I see white on my mouth(not what you think), I believe is dry saliaba, or maybey my skin turns that color after being moist a long time. Anyways, I do noticed my lips a little chopped.


Does anyone relate to this? or know how to fix it?

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My lips are chapped all the time too... I mean, it depends... Maybe it's b/c when I go to school, I don't drink as much water as when I'm all they at home, so they get chapped, and sometimes I even bleed like in the middle of the school day... it sucks, so I hope anyone comes up with good advice.

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Don't lick your lips. It's really not good for them. When the saliva evaporates, it makes them even drier than they were before. Use lip balm instead. It's a tough habit to break, I know.


I've had this problem for as long as I can remember. When my lips get really dry, the skin peels, and I bite it off. Then they bleed, get irritated, etc. Really not much fun.


My best advice is just to stop licking, and start smearing on the balm.


I've read that you can use an old, soft toothbrush to exfoliate all of that dead skin and dry saliva from your lips (instead of biting, like I do), you might try something like that too.

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Use any brand of lip balm to protect your lips. Though I've found that Carmex works the best on chapped lips.


If you want a way to break the habit, rub A&D ointment on your lips (yes they stuff they use for diaper rash). I had to do this with my 9 year old son to get him to stop because it was totally subconscious. The stuff tastes terrible but it still protects your lips and fixes the chapping. After licking that stuff a few times you won't want to lick your lips anymore

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Yeah I just thought since you mentioned you lick your lips when you work out then you would only put on the A&D at that point. The rest of the day you can use regular lip balm to heal up. Just don't use the nice tasting lip balm or it may encourage you to lick your lips more.

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Don't use Carmex. There is an ingredient in it that is a form of citric acid that actually eats the outer layer on skin on your lips. You don't notice it while you're using it, but if you stop using it for any period of time, you're lips will be even more chapped then before.


The acid in the balm is one way the manufacturer came up with to make you keep using it!!


Use medicated Blistex. Much better. Or try going to a natural foods market and picking something up with Shea Butter. It's much better for your lips.

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