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Sad & lonely

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I have never had a girlfriend before and recently I thought I had the opportunity to change that. I was very excited about finally getting the chance to be with someone. But I was wrong. There's a girl that has been talking about how much she likes me and would like to go out with me to one of her friends for the past week. Her friend has been telling me about it. So I told her that I would call her and ask her out on a date.


But I worked a lot of hours last week. I left for work early in the morning and didn't get back home until midnight or later. So I have not had the time to call her. I'm off work tomorrow so I planned on calling her then, But when I asked her friend today if she was seeing someone she said that she started seeing a guy on monday. So I figured I shouldn't call her and ask her out now that she's with someone.


But what makes me feel so sad is that all this time that she was with this guy she's been saying that she thought I was hot and wanted to go out with me. Why would she say those things about me if she was already with someone? While I was talking to her friend today she was on the phone with her and mentioned that I was there. And she told her to tell me that she thought I was sexy. And from what her friend has been saying she really like's the guy she's with. So why would she still be saying those things about me?


And now I feel embarressed, stupid and sad, because her friend will tell her that I wanted to ask her out and how I feel about her. So I don't plan on going around her anymore because of this. I just don't understand what's going on.


I would appreciate and advise or help with my problem.

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It sounds like she still fancies you allot. Perhaps she was tired of waiting for you to feel the same about her, it sounds as if she is just trying to make you jealous. I don't know how strong she feels about this " other guy" but if she has liked you for a long time, you should try and talk to her. Just tell her how you feel, and then give her the decision whether to be with you or stay with the other guy. Give it a go, at least then you will know for sure.

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i think u should ask her out if u really have feeling toward her, and then she can decide to go out with u or stay with the other guy!

and i think she's with the other guy just to make u feel jealous because she's tired of waiting for u and she wants u to make a move.

good luck

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  • 4 weeks later...

dont take this the wrong way,, but were all here to get 'the real' so dont be offened but,,



how well do you know thefriend??


I mean do u know her well enuff to know shes being legit? or to know that shes being truthfull about her friends feeling advances or whatever?



I mean the reason im asking is because,, [and ladies dont take this the wrong way because all women are different,,but some stupid women ruin for others] ,, maybe the friends is just being cruel an fukkin with ya! [or]

she herself may be interrested in you an just not wanna say and be scope'n' you out to see how you are!!


I mean this is just an observation,, but Ive been insituations with friends that are girl;s and we discussed stuff like that, and ive actually ended up with the friend instead of the girl inquestion,, it's complicated when friends wanna take something beyond friendship so sometimes if theyre interested they'll start something like you mentioned above!!


Like I said just an observation,,




it could be the girl actually is interested,


but before you do anything!! remember that if she does have a BF and still wants to see you,,,9times outta 10 she;d do that to you too, so becareful!! but thats not always her BF could just be a jerk! theres always that 1 percent!

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