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My poor grandma

scared and alone

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A few days ago, I went home to visit my family for Christmas and my grandma wanted to help me bring the rest of my bags in. Well the bag she helped me with was a paper bag and the handle broke and fell on the concrete ground. So i stopped and bent down to help her up and the next thing I knew my grandma tripped and fell onto the steps and slammed her face into the steps hitting her nose. It was bleeding all over I felt SO BAD. We brought her inside and gave her tons of napkins and stuff to help stop the bleeding and everything and ibuprofen. We even got the neighbor nurse to come over. But ugh. I just feel so bad. She wanted to help me with my stuff and this is what happened to her. Thank God she is alright but still! And I feel even worse that she was embarrassed and claiming she wasn't hurt! But, thats why she is so wonderful, she doesn't like attention on herself or anyone fussing over her. And of course, the only thing her jerk husband said about it was 'well, you shouldn't have left' Gah thank God she is OKAY.

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She sounds like a nice lady. Shame she hasn't got a nice gentleman for a husband.


She is the sweetest! Only looking out for others, never herself. I don't know how she is with him. He is nothing but a selfish ridiculous baby who never appreciates anything. Makes me sick. Especially when it comes to her, who does EVERYTHING for him and all he does is put her down. She deserves a sweet guy that would worship her and APPRECIATE her. We think she feels obligated to take care of him, why, I have no clue. Because she's great like that.

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