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9 months of NC with ex want to try get her back HELP


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So ive been in NC with my ex for 9 months now, shes been trying to contact me each month 2-3 times and is still with her bf which is a prime reason for my NC. Recently I bumped into one of her friends and he brought her up saying how he dont talk to her much because hardly anyone gets along with her new bf(much like her old ones before me) and that shes lost alot of friends from this.


Now I think I can bare to talk to her now but I will wait for her to make contact first. I want to try win her back over her bf who over the last few months she has clearly been losing interest so ive been told, which is probably why she has started to try contact me more now and gets angry with no replys. She seems very miserable about this year really as well.


Now this is more a last attempt so I can either move on for sure and clear it up or see if we can get back together, either way im happy. I dont want her to get the feeling that im at her beck and call, but wanna keep my distance and not reply to her messages all the time etc. Ive been very busy this year and at the moment so it wont be hard for me to ignore her at times(hell ive been doing it for 9 months)

Just want to win her back by showing her what she missed out on and will carry on to miss unless she jumps at the chance, the guy all the girls want to be with you know those cheesey things that will hopefully pull on those memorys and see the person she loved. Ive never thought this way till now oddly and Ino its slightly evil to try win her back over the guy that was the reason for our breakup. I just care about her so much even a year on, and hope I can make a change to something.


So if anyone has any tips or ideas please let me know, I dont wanna hear stay NC or move on heard these for the last year and ive been doing well with them This is a last attempt at something I never thought id do haha.


Thank you

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I don't know why you would want her back if she's with another guy. She basically chose him over you, so how does that make you feel. I would take that as a slap in the face. That means you weren't man enough and you weren't giving her what she needed, emotionally or physically. And if you did get back together it wouldn't work out because you sound like a needy ,clingy simp. I bet you weren't acting like this when you first started dating. Imagine if you behaved like this when you guys first started dating, she would not have given you the chance.


Now its been 9 freaking months. do you love yourself at all. If you really want to show her how she missed out on you, get a new girl (an attractive one is even better)

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Yes I feel it is a slap in the face but clearly something isnt right with her or why would she give even 2 * * * * s about me? To get angry that I wont talk to her or always try and be where I am or find out which girl im with etc. I would hardly say im needy and clingy considering im the one that refused to stay friends with her or talk to her for these 9 months while getting on with my life and actually having alot of success, Ive seen other girls this year but most times once you find more about them it just gets embarrassing to even think of actually a relationship with them. I never said im going to approach her and beg for her or chase her either. I dont want to chase her I want her to feel like shes doing the chasing, thats why I wont start the first part of contact.

Like I said Moonknight if it doesnt happen it doesnt if it does it does, one life might as well do something than live with regrets of questions?


Thank you everyone for the replys so far

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