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Is YOUR ex a moron?

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I gave back the watch my ex bought for me with his own money and it was broken at the time then he accused me of breaking it but it is a solarwatch. So you think abou it. Anyway he out of desperation needed money for transportation. So he asked me for money once then threatened to sell the watch He bought for me and then told me to leave him alone never call him again. Yet he has a job a new girl with a job.


And did I tell you the best part? HE broke up with me when I had been battling cancer. Sick with disgust and almost left for dead.


Lovel y pure loveliness on behalf of our exes.


Ahh love is blind....

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OMG, where do I start?


Ok, my ex fiance was using heroine behind my back for most of our relationship. When I found out I left him & a month later he got arrested. I went to visit him a few times & he wrote me many letters. Each visit & each letter made me more upset than the last. I found out all the people he cheated on my with, all the times he lied about being at work when he was actually in the city getting drugs, who he was going to the city with ("close" friends of mine), ect.... The worse part was when I went to see his sister for her birthday, she showed me a letter he wrote to her & I quote, "Don't tell Jessi, but I have hepatitis C" Don't tell Jessi???? This is my life & my health we're talking about!!!! (I've been checked & I'm clean)


My next long term relationship seemed perfect from the outside. Both of us had gotten out of relationships that consisted of mainly arguing so we avoided it at all costs. Not once, not twice, but THREE times he broke up with me over the phone. All together we were together for 2 years. & he was the one who was unfaithfull. The last time he broke up wth me, he was at work & I could hear his co workers in the background.


I dated a guy in high school who was physically abusive. Because I wouldn't sleep with him, he;d grab my breasts & leave bruises on me. Anyway, when I moved to a new school I was happy to get away from him. A few months went by & he looked up my phone # to hang out. I agreed to meet up with him only to find out he hadn't changed. my best friend saw the bruise & threatened his life. After that he spread a rumor that I accused him of raping me.

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My ex that I love very much left me for a guy that's been married twice, divorced twice and has 3 kids. One thing I can't get is that what's wrong with him. How do you find two wives that just get up and leave him and the children. To me it's trouble for her knocking at the door. She said the first marriage ended because he was too young. The second was has no reason. She just left.

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God, I really hold a grudge against my ex. After she called for a "break" to fiind what she wants to do, even though she was sure that she loved me. She insisted she enjoyed being single now and not having her life complicated yet when after the break she hung out with all the guys at her work, and from what I heard, every single damn guy. Guess she was playing the field cause she landed it with one of the guys there after a few months of being hard headed insisting they are just friends. Well it also turns out more than 1/2 those guy received the wrong impression from her and they ended up falling for her. Even one guy wrote her a song.


Well I didn't contact her until I heard that this one she was really "hanging out " with was getting serious, and she really hasn't closed things off with me. From what I heard is that I didn't put effort to call her or anything the last few months and that was the reason "things wouldn't work out". Of course I was upset, and I was threw with it, I called her up to talk and to meet in person to just close things off, yet she said she insisted that she didn't want to meet because it would make her life complicated and couldn't handle talking about this stuff, and thats EXACTLY what she said when we were going onto the break. So till this day we never really talked about it because I was being too "nice" for my own good to demand that this be settled, because she didn't want to talk about it. Anyhow, she said she would meet, BUT she decided at the last minute to just keep on driving, so I sat there in the parking lot to the place to meet while she just drived by and never looked back, while I was on the phone with her. I didn't beg, after I tried to get her to talk, so I said screw it, i'm through, and I haven't talked to her since, and don't care to hear anything from her or about her.

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