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I cant stop thinking about other men

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I have been married for 15 months, my husband and I have a 4 month old and I have a 2 year old step-daughter both that live with us, Although I love my husband without any equivications, and would never want to leave him, I cant stop thinking about other men. Whether it be men I have dated in my past or men that my husband works with I cant stop thinking about what it would be like to have sex with them. My husband met and got married in a 3 month period and I was just out of high school. I dont know if this is normal or what.. I dont dare tell my husband about this because I am afraid of his reaction. If anyone has advice or can help,please do...

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Fantasies are natural and common. We all have fantasies and some are willing to admit to them...others arent. The important thing is that you do not act upon them, but if you are just entertaining yourself in your own mind privately, there is absolutely no harm in this. Actually, if you didn't it would be rather abnormal. You could have newleywed jitters and feel that this is the LAST man you will be with...so you create circumstances in your head to satisfy your needs. At least you arent going out and acting on them and sleeping with these people for satisfaction of your desires. Don't doubt yourself...or your marraige. Everything is fine and everything you feel is normal.

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Of course you should not tell about your fantasies to your husband. No way he would understand you.

But can you remember what exactly you imagine when you think about other men? There may be a clue to your sexual life. Probably you need to talk to your husband about other positions or caress you want to try.


Best regards to you!

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It is normal to think about other men even when one is in a committed relationship. However, I do get a sense that this is troubling you. You mention that you "can't stop thinking of men." If these thoughts are getting in the way of your relationship with your husband, then this could be a problem. I have been married for 12 years and I too married at a young age (I was 19). I wonder if your thoughts of other men are related to a fear or a loss that you may be feeling? You didn't mention your age but from your post it sounds like you may be about 19 or 20?


I have no doubt that you love your husband. However, thinking about other men to the point where it is troubling you is a sign that something is going on. Yes, it is normal to fantasize but if you are worried then that means there is something going on that you need to pay attention to. Can you tell me more?

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