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Older gal at work...


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I'm 25, and she is 42. Her and I work together (for about a month, now). We get along really well. Occasionally with have small-talk amongst each other... I have a deep crush on her. Sometimes I think she sort of flirts with me.. unless I am being grandiose/delusional, and/or she is just being tricky. I want to ask her out, like to the movies or something. How do you think I should go about asking her out?



Thank you.

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Be careful in this situation. By asking her out on a formal date or drinks you're kind of opening a can of worms that you might not want to open in the workplace. She might take your relationship not nearly as seriously as you do and all this work "flirting" could just be that.


If you're absolutely sure that she's sending out vibes that she's interested I would very delicately bring it up with her when you're one on one and not at work.


Just be careful here and be absolutely certain before you make any moves that might change the nature of your relationship. This wouldn't be complicated if you didn't work directly with her (plus the age gap) but you do. Her idea of your relationship could be a far reach from what you see it as.

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Good point... I will play it by ear, before I decide to ask her out or not....



Be careful in this situation. By asking her out on a formal date or drinks you're kind of opening a can of worms that you might not want to open in the workplace. She might take your relationship not nearly as seriously as you do and all this work "flirting" could just be that.


If you're absolutely sure that she's sending out vibes that she's interested I would very delicately bring it up with her when you're one on one and not at work.


Just be careful here and be absolutely certain before you make any moves that might change the nature of your relationship. This wouldn't be complicated if you didn't work directly with her (plus the age gap) but you do. Her idea of your relationship could be a far reach from what you see it as.

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I am in a similar situation except I'm the older woman and the man I work with has a girlfriend. I feel like he is attracted to me and I have even considered sending him a friend request on facebook but part of me thinks that he is just playing (sometimes people do this at work ) Also I think our age difference might be less, I'm 40 and he's maybe 30ish.

Either way, please tread carefully because of the fact that you met her at work and also respect her feelings and yours. If you feel that there is potential then ask her out nicely preferrably when no one else is around and try not to make a big deal about it so that she doesn't feel threatened. She might like you too, so just tread carefully and be nice. Good Luck ....sophie

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.. [Minor] update. I talked to the older gal (my co-worker that I have a crush on) earlier today, at work. Things seemed to be going well, in general. We had some friendly small-talk amongst each other. I did not ask her out today, though... because there were too many co-workers around us simultaneously... I want to wait until no other co-workers are nearby, preferably by a coincidence.


I will attempt to ask her out again, tomorrow, when we work together.

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