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Where do we stand?


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Ok, here's my story. I met my brother's friend at a party a little over a month ago & we really hit it off. I gave him my phone number & he called about a week later. The next day I went to his house & we ordered food, he played the guitar for me, & we talked. He even mentioned the fact that he was glad my brother already knew him & seemed to like him because that will make us dating easier. & then we ended up having sex. Please don't judge me upon that though.

Anyway, he told me to give him a call so I did. We talked a few times throghout the week & the following weekend he came over for my brother's bday party & stayed over. The weekend after that I went to his house & he took me to a very nice restaurant for dinner & I spent the night with him. This past weekend he came to my house (we live about an hour apart) & he met my mom, who loved him, & he took me out to another really nice restaurant.

Here's what has me confused. He's always telling me to call him but it's hard to get a hold of him & he rarely ever calls me. I guess it's kind of giving me a complex. He's been working 56 hours a week (nights) & his mother came to live with him because she's really sick with cancer (another really long story). So I understand that he's got alot going on right now but it;'s making it almost impossible to figure out how he feels & I;m not sure if its a good time to be asking him. Any insight?

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