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the ex strikes again...vent

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after 3 days of no contact he sends me this text telling me off saying that i got one of my friends to prank call him and i told him i had no idea what he was talking about cause well i didnt, i never told anyone anything and i would never tell anymore to call him to tell him off when i can do that myself but wont cause im better then that.

i asked him if he had the number and he gave it to me (wouldnt u think a prank caller would block their number?) anyways i called the number and it ended up being some old mans number and well i didnt believe it at first but he gave me his name and i asked him if anyone but him had used his phone and he told me no that he lives alone and well i felt like an a hole for even thinking this old man did anything especially since i had no idea who he is and he lives in a different county then where i live so i texted my ex asking if it was the right number and no response, i then asked him if it was really true and he finally responded saying why he would lie about that and i told him idk but i called and it was some old mans number and i didnt do anything and he just told me ok, i somewhat think he made this up to ruin my day since it was going great and he found out i was out of town and wanted to ruin it or idk but he really needs to just leave me alone, he seems to like to see me in misery just like he is, where is his new GF? why isnt he bothering her instead of me, i need him to leave me alone plus today is our sons b-day and im out of town with my family.

he wasnt gunna go see our son anyways, he never even bothers and i stayed in his town so he can see our son, hes so pathetic.


vent over.


idk why he would stoop so low tho?

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thanks everyone, yeah thats what i was thinking when he gave me and even his mom a wrong number, if he wants to get my attention he should be nice instead of being an a hole, this is just making me not like him even more, i love him of course but its making me realize i could do a lot better and i will never have any idea what hes thinking or how he feels but this is just stupid.

i bet he didnt think i was going to call that number and i looked like a fool to that poor old man

he sucks!

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Best not to worry about him anymore. He is your ex now. Focus your time and energy on more positve things that are going to help you feel better about you. Wasting time on him will just make you feel worse. It sucks, but you gotta get up and move on with your healing process

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Best not to worry about him anymore. He is your ex now. Focus your time and energy on more positve things that are going to help you feel better about you. Wasting time on him will just make you feel worse. It sucks, but you gotta get up and move on with your healing process


i totally agree with you, thats why i will no longer answer his texts unless its about our son.

he is a total waste of time and emotion.

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