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friends ruins things

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heres a question what should u do if a friend of urs tells the one u love something. That in turn most likely ruins thing between u and the person u love. Cause this just happened to me and i was really starting to like this person more than i ever have so far i was doing my best to try and make her like me and i dont know and maybe like want to go out with me and now things are just all messed up now i dont know what to do. plz help me out on what to do cause there is just no way i can let things go wrong with me and her even though things pretty much are all ready going wrong. i love her to much to let things go anymore wrong than they already are so plz help me out on what to do. on how can i fix things with her

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ok well see this friend of mine told that girl that i said i thought she was just being a baby and that i was tired of hercrap and well now that girl is mad at me im not going to talk to that friend mine anymore as it is. But like i said i really really like that girl a lot and i dont want thing to mess up even thoogh i know i most likely wont be able to go out with her or whatever but i dont want to like ruin my chacnes wiht her even though i guess there already ruined i would just like some advice on how to fix things with her.

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thats just it i told i didnt say that and she was like yeah ur a good liar and she knows how i feel about her seriosly this may sound corny but rightt now she means the world to me. and well yeah i am going to apologize to her and everyhting thank u shroudedsorrow24 and san123 i just hope she will forgive me

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