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going to university at 27 to get a bachelor degree


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Hi everyone,


I just turned 27 and i really want to go to university. I am working for 3 years now as a teacher but i always wanted to study more. Like sociology, culture or a language like french or spanish. I still get money from the government to study for 4 years, only when i turn into 30 the collagemoney is going to be a lot higher each year. So i should really hurry. Problem is i am not sure what to study. Anyway i doubt if i am not to old to study and are there more people my age starting a study on university? Cause some studies i can do part time so i can work also, but other studies are only fulltime so it´going to be expensive for me then.



Any advice or experience with this subject?

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only when i turn into 30 the collagemoney is going to be a lot higher each year.

I don't get this. You will get more money from the government to study? Or it will be more expensive to study?


I don't think you're ever too old to go to university. Or anywhere else to learn things.


If your goal is to study to want better career opportunities, focus on the subjects that will give you those. As others said, usually the arts subjects don't give you as much opportunity as other subjects - engineering, finance, business, law. Languages sometimes give you good opportunities - maybe you could look at teaching in other countries? If you're in Europe, then in theory, a teaching qualification in one EU country is valid for another (although I think in practice this is not as easy as it sounds).


If your goal is to study for your own personal satisfaction, then study what you are passionate about

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There's no age-limit on education! When I was an undergrad, I knew people who were 19 years old, but were in their senior year of college; meanwhile, as a freshman and sophomore, I had people in my classes who were ten to fifteen years older than me sometimes. And, really, I never found it "weird" in either case. I think that if you want to expand your horizons and develop your sphere of knowledge, don't let something as arbitrary as your age keep you from pursuing those goals. I'm 26, about to finish a masters degree, and have at least another one planned for the future; maybe even a PhD, at some point. For me, life is all about learning, so why not seek that out to the fullest?


With regard to what to study, well, that all depends on what you want to do with your future. If you want to continue teaching in your field, then you might think about getting a degree in that. If you think that sociology or language might be something that you want to pursue a career in, then think about that. The beauty of the undergraduate degree is that you, often, have at least a year before you really need to declare a major (that's the way it is in the U.S., at least). Personally, I changed my undergraduate major three times during my first year of college before I found the right fit for me; and, out of about 10 friends from college, only two of them stuck with the same major all the way through. College is about exploration as much as it's about learning, so embrace that. I would, however, caution you to think about life after college; I know a lot of people who had strong interests in arts majors (i.e., theater and language), but all of them balanced that with a more practical (i.e., employable) second major; one friend has a BA in communications, and a minor in theater, while another has a double-major in French and International Business. So, that's my last bit of advice: if you decide to pursue the language path, think about how you'll market that to future employers, and, maybe double-major in something more practical, or choose the language as a minor. But, since you're already a teacher, you could definitely get a BA in whatever language interests you, and get set on a path to teach.


So, a lot of options and paths which, at the end of the day, are all up to you! Education is so exciting and dynamic, I really think that if you choose the right major and are honest with yourself about your goals and expectations, you'll never regret getting an undergrad. degree, regardless of the time or cost involved.


Best wishes.

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