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How quickly do you reach orgasm?


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A question for females. I have recently started dating a new girlfriend. My experience with her is different from any I've had with other women before. She reaches orgasm in usually 2 to 4 minutes of stimulation. My previous experience with probably 15 or so partners is that it would usually take more like 5 to 15 minutes.


I know she is not faking because she gets this really red flush all over her neck and accross the shoulders at the point of climax and for a short period after. I can also feel her muscle contractions and shudders quite distinctly.


What I was wondering was do some girls just have the ability to reach orgasm quickly? Or could it be just that we are new together and that adds to the excitement and it will eventually wear off? What would most women say is the usual period of stimulation required to climax?

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WOW!!! What a lucky girl! Or you must really know what she likes.

I can do it myself in a few minutes at the most, with someone else it always takes longer and if they are doing it, even longer. Usually at least 15 minutes and that is if I show them how. Most guys are just too heavy handed.

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I find myself doing that heavy handed thing. But for me I always think well if she enjoys me doing it like this if I do it harder and faster she will like it even more... But I don't think that is always the case so I try to do it differently each time to see what that particular girl likes best... Not like I have been with hundreds or anything, but each woman is definitely different.

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Hey H&P,

Nah, that's not always the case. The good Lord knew what he was doing when he made us all so very different.

Men are all different too, (not that I've been with that many), and that makes it all part of the fun. Getting to know what they like and showing them what you like and how it just gets better and better as your feelings grow for each other and when you learn their body and they learn your body and things just heat up naturally. Whew! Getting warm in here....

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