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Their issues are not my issues.

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Their issues are not my issue's . Their issues are not my issues.



I have grown SO much as a person post breakup. It's been 2 years and I'm doing well while he continues to just bounce around life (or so I assume. We don't speak to each other). However, I hear he is now dating this girl from our home town. It is/ was literally the only person on the planet that would even be a blip on my radar. I have absolutely no respect for her, and I can't figure out how he chooses to find these random skanks and try to wife them. Not to mention drive back and forth a long distance to see them.


It should make me feel good, right? I mean logically, I can say what are you doing with your life? But I mean at least he's dating. HA, he can't actually be alone . I don't think he's capable. Regardless of how much I've moved on, how much I try to remind myself of all the terrible things he's done, I feel my self-esteem crashing. I find myself thinking, is she prettier than me? Is she more interesting? blah blah


I guess the pending Holidays are stressing me out. They used to be such a happy time. I'm about to spend a week in my small hometown where I'm bound to run into more than one person I don't care to see. I miss his family on the holidays. I guess I just don't want to spend another Thanksgiving single.. but it is what it is. I just needed to rant because I refuse to let any of my friends know that I'm letting this *stuff* make me the least bit crazy and the gym is closed so I can't go run.

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Out of sight, out of mind.


When it came to exes and what they were doing, what they were thinking of me or whatever they were up to - I'm notorious for not caring. Why should I? Just as the title of your thread, it's their issue and no longer mine. Hell, they'd even be lucky if they ever heard from me again after it's over.

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I framed these two quotes and placed them on my wall. It's kinda lame.. but I feel as if I've been through so much and so many so-called friends that it's appropriate.


"I can't really say why everybody wishes they were somewhere else. But in the end, the only steps that matter... are the ones you take yourself"


“Maybe forgetfulness, like a kind snow, should numb and cover them. But they were a part of me. They were my landscape.”

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I framed these two quotes and placed them on my wall. It's kinda lame.. but I feel as if I've been through so much and so many so-called friends that it's appropriate.


"I can't really say why everybody wishes they were somewhere else. But in the end, the only steps that matter... are the ones you take yourself"


“Maybe forgetfulness, like a kind snow, should numb and cover them. But they were a part of me. They were my landscape.”


Just me personally,


But I don't make any woman or anyone to be my landscape. I would my kids, if I had any. But just some woman who dumped me or the relationship didn't work out. Girl, please. Life goes on, I'm not going to stop living my life because of that.

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LOL. I PROMISE you that is not what I meant by that. My rationale was not really explained sorry. Without divulging my life story... I just meant * * * * happens. Memories, experience, failed relationships, friendships, etc are all things we grow out of. I really am happy and I like who I am, without needing the approval of others.. so that's always awesome.

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