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Love...What is it to you?


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Lately I've been hearing many different opinions on the simple four letter word. I still have to make up my mind on what it means to me. What does love mean to you and how do you know when you've found it and not just a simple crush?


If you'd please respond and give me your opinion I'd apreciate it.





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Love, to me, is something incredibly immense... it takes so many different forms.


One form is the love you feel towards your family - it's a bonding type of love, a close-knit and warm type of feeling...


Another type of love is the type that you feel towards your boyfriend or partner. It's a completely different type. It's a stronger type of bond than that with your family, it involves not only emotionally love, but it's also physical love.


I love love!!

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Love is, in my opinion, wanting nothing more than to make that person (the object of your affection) as happy as they make you feel inside. It can take many forms, and it grows with time.


For instance, I love my BF. It's a little baby love right now, but it's love. I'd do anything within my power to make him happy, I know he'd do the same for me, and he and I are just comfortable with one another. Every emotion I think of relating to him is positive.


I've also loved one other person. This was my best friend in the whole world, and though I never told him I loved him, I felt what love was the night he died in my arms. I can honestly, truly say that if it was possible I would have taken his place then and there.


Obviously the love I feel for my BF is different, as it is younger and there is the sexual component that was not there with my friend. But both are love.


Edited to add:


There is also a kind of false love that a lot of people experience when they "love" someone who doesn't love them back. I though I loved my ex and I think a part of me did, but because we were two different people completely wrong for one another the fact was I was in love with the guy I WANTED him to be, not the person he was. Almost every emotion I can think of relating to him was stressful, painful, or confusing. I felt passionately about him, but I didn't experience the love I feel right now with my BF.

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