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We went on three dates and had fantastic times, does he like me?


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I've been on a date with a really great guy three times already and each time the conversation is fantastic, things are really intimate, and it usually progresses towards a hot makeout session (and as of the last time) a little more than that. He seems very genuine, he kisses me even after all of that is said and done and when we part ways. I always tell him to text me and he says, "you text me!"


That's where the ish lies. I always text him to hang out. There was a time between our first and second date where we didn't talk for 3 weeks because I asked him to hang out twice and he said he had plans both times so I left to him to decide when. He never responded.


After those weeks, he sends me a message on the dating site we met on saying "Are you made at me?" and I replied with, "Well you haven't made contact or plans with me, I assumed you weren't interested." He said he could be a flake sometimes and he is definitely still interested. I took him for face value and made plans to hang out the next week.


He never initiates any sort of conversation between us, it's always me having to do so. It's not even like I text a lot, either. I text him at most once or twice every like 5 days.


Should I take this as a sign of him not really being interested or should I just depend on his actions while we're together that he is?

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He said he could be a flake sometimes and he is definitely still interested. I took him for face value and made plans to hang out the next week. He never initiates any sort of conversation between us, it's always me having to do so. It's not even like I text a lot, either. I text him at most once or twice every like 5 days.


There's your answer. He's a flake. He's wishy-washy. He's uncertain. He may or may not be dating others.


I'd personally keep my options open and put a yellow-caution flag above his name.

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