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Ever Feel Like You're Gonna Snap?

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OK I'm 19, and I've never had a girlfriend, never really been on a date, obviously am still holding my v-card, and it's been over 2 years since I've had a trusting friend. I conquered my anxiety, my depression, and am quickly boosting my confidence levels and lowering my rejection feelings. HOWEVER, making friends and getting to know girls takes time...


Point of the post:


After a few years of declining social situations, I'd been going in a 6-month/yearly cycle of emotion. Over the course I'd start off all cool, then get slowly more desperate until I'm almost antsy. By the end, just when I think I'm going to snap (although I don't know what, because I've never wanted to kill myself, thank God), something tiny renews me and my cycle.


Now I hear about guys who are in their mid-20's who are still in the same boat. I thought I had amazing willpower to stay like this (sexless, yes, but w/out peers too) for this long... I seriously can't see me like this at 25, or even 21.


Like I said I'm quickly amending things, but I still feel that a bump in the road could off-set me again. How long can the elastic of my testament stretch? Anyone else feel like they want to snap but are unable (and of course you don't want to either)?


Meh it just helps to rant.

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you description fits me almost perfectly age and everything

I try to keep sane but its hard...Luckily you haven't been to the point of wanting to die. Its a real bad place to be.

I don't know how I keep from going completely over the edge sometimes...I cut myself once and I dont want that ever to happen again because it scared me.


I thought I had my demons conquered for a while (the depression and everything was gone for almost a year and a half) but in the last month or so everything has come roaring back stronger than before

so I really can't offer anything because I'm looking for the answers myself.


So far what I have come up with is that you just can't be thinking about it, otherwise you are going to get down. The thing is you still can't ignore those feelings either. I guess it helped me for a while.

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