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Used and abused


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Ok I knew this Matt kid for awhile now, and I was always in love with him. He went out with all my friends and I thought he would never ask me out, til the day he did. That day we had sex, and he told me we would be together for a long time, a few days later he broke up with me. I was so hurt. He started to run his mouth about me sayin I was ugly....when trust me im not im beautiful. And he was sayin how he had to use 3 rubbers to have sex with me. Everyone in high school wanna beat me up cuz of him. And yesterday I was with his sister, and he came over to me and hit me I punched him and he grabbed my arm started to punch me in my head shoved me into the wall pushed me into a bike and I was layin on the ground cryin my eyes out. My arm was gushin blood too, from a knife he was holdin. He didnt say sorry either. Im so hurt, and scared I need to watch my back now. I made a mistake losin my virginity to him. Was I stupid? Please anyone help me

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Thats absolutely horrible, and this guy doesn't exactly seem like a winner at all. You need to totally get away from this guy. Guys will often tell you things like they love you and how they want to be with your forever to get in your pants. Some guys anyways. Its sad but true, and I'm sorry this had to happen, because if he really loved you, why would he leave you 3 days after? It makes absolutely no sense. He definitely assaulted you here too, and I wouldnt hesitate to press charges, hes a coward, stay far away from him.

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hi this guy sounds like a prick i hate guys like this that just want sex. and as for hurtin you , you should tell someone and get in contact with the police. i wouldnt say your stupid either this guy desived you and that isnt your fault. but definatly tell the police as he may be doings this to more people soon.

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Hi broken15,


What you have gone through must have been terrible but we are all here for you. I think that you may benefit from talking to someone about this, a parent, a school counsellor or even the police. The matter needs to be resolved quickly in case he attacks somebody else.


You weren't stupid, you liked him but unfortunately his intentions were bad.


bluey, i know that you may feel strongly about this but swearing is not allowed on the site.



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This guy ough to thank himself lucky that I wasn't around....I'd have given him the absolute flogging of a life time. What he did is nothing short of disgusting.


I think this matter needs to be brought up with a teacher or counsellor or some other adult. The sex part of ity doesn't need to be mentioned to ur parents or anyone if that's what you're worried about, but the fact that he beat you.....rather badly I may add......is warrant for an assault charge.


Also, the fact that he beat a girl up as well is likely to not go down real well with a lot of people. If you did decide to press charges....which you could quite easily, the fact that he also had a knife is going to make sure he gets done good and proper. Im so sorry you had to go through all of this, no one deserves this.


You weren't stupid in anyway....he broke your trust, if anything hes the stupid one.


Good luck and I hope you recover soon and get this whole mess sorted out. If you need to talk, just PM me.

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The others are right...it's time to get the police involved. He has come after you with a knife and is obviously a danger to you (and others). This isn't about some teenaged guy taking advantage of a girl anymore...this is about a guy violently hurting someone. Please, tell your parents, talk to the police, and press charges against this guy before he hurts you (or someone else) even more.

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