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Should I talk to him?

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I was on myspace and my bf's former best friend emailed me and wants to talk to me. Sterling (my bf) and caylan aren't friends anymore because caylan liked me alot. He called me and said that he would pay for my plane ticket to come spend the weekend with him and no one would know. I didn't go for that at all. I told my bf about it and he was so mad at his friend. Later on, Sterling was talking to a mutual friend and found out that caylan had told their group of friends that me and caylan had hooked up. That was the farthest thing from the truth.


Caylan was my good friend. He was always there when times were tough between me and Sterling. Caylan's gf was my roomate in college so basically he was there 24/7. Now that he wants to get back in contact with me is really weird. I haven't talked to him since may. I'm not sure that talking to Caylan will be a good idea because i know that Sterling will get SUPER upset, but at the same time, Caylan was there for me before...


I don't know, should i talk to him?

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Yes Caylan was there for you, but he also lied about the two of you hooking up...what kind of a friend is that? Before you begin talking to this guy again, talk to your boyfriend about it, there's no point in getting him super upset over a person who hasn't even been that great to you. If you decide you really want to begin contact with him again, make sure it's okay with your boyfriend first, afterall, he does have a right to feel uneasy about it given the past situations.

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I think from reading your post caylan is just a friend, And weather or not you want him to remain that is totally up to you, your in control of your own decisions, and actions..not anyone else.


Jumping ahead a little


About weather or not to talk to Caylan, I think you do, I sense your scared that sterling may become "Super Upset" and it would Cause complications between you two together in a relationship, I agree, he has already shown that when Caylan was telling other *friends* of his that you and him had hooked up, which to me was a really shallow move, that would of made me put his "King In Check"!


I assume, In defense to that bad move, You stopped talking to him?


I Don't blame you any


In retrospect you do have the right to have other "guy" friends, and I'm sure sterling is aware of that, but not any like Caylan (in his mind) despite the fact that Caylan has been there for you, if your relationship with Sterling is something your wanting to continue, Caylan i think just may Create problems, Because he is perhaps Jealous that your taken, Which Caylan Probably doesn't really think the world of Sterling, and thinks you and him would be much more Compatible together..just the way some guys like to think. (sad case)


My advice to you is that you respect Sterlings wishes of not speaking to Caylan, because he is No doubt in my mind, and i think yours the same... A direct threat to the relationship between you and Sterling.

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