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LADIES Dont u think that a shy guy is a better deal ?


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LADIES Don't u think that a shy guy is a better deal ?


i mean most of u had the experience of meeting some new charming handsome guy who was just so confident and used a perfect line and then his performance was just more than great in dates, and u end up trying to get over him just because he was mean and too much into girls ?


and how many of u as well who dumped that guy who was just great but he wasn't confident enough and was shy, and didn't even give him ur number just because he sweated talking to u !!???


u got the picture ? ? ?

What ya think?

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Hmm...I guess I would prefer a shy guy, or a mix of the two you mentioned. I wouldn't want him too outgoing and crazy in fear that he would cheat on me or try to push me into doing things I'm not ready for...but not too shy that he would be too nervous to kiss me or something.

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i agree with both of u. I think that shy guys can sometimes be more nice and much more respectful than some other non-shy guys i am not saying all non-shy guys are bad. I have actually seen people that are like that and i think its true, i my self is a very shy person, but not to an extent where i would be shy to kiss a girl, and i find my self respecting others(no matter what gender) much more than ALOT of my other non-shy friends.



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A lot of shy people are BS though, they don't admit anything because they're afraid to. Afraid of this and that, it's what makes them shy to begin with.


You know I don't think girls aren't attracted to shy guys, I think it's the shy guys who don't put in any effort to DO ANYTHING and so how is she to know? THAT and shy guys put WAY TOOOOOO MUCH IMPORTANCE on one girl as IF it's ALL OVER if it doesn't work out. It's that exact problem right there that causes girls to be unattracted by shy guys, if they'd actually LOOK at themselves they'd realize that they had nothign to be shy about. And btw, the non-shy guys are attractive because they CAN and DO all of this and they don't fear rejection like shy people do, girls like a man with confidence for that reason, but they HATE JERKS. LUCKILY shy guys are normally really nice people and if they came out of their shells we'd have A LOT MORE HAPPY WOMEN.


That's my two cents.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good two cents and you've got a point, and a point only. If shy guys came out of their shells, we'd have a lot more happy women. But would they still be the shy guys as they were? No! that's when the shyness is conquerred. That's when the shy guys came out of their shells. I mean... Com'on! Try not to judge a shy guy by what his body made him feel. Different people have different characters. When a shy guy walks up to a girl with the intention to ask her out, you think he asked for the heart to start pounding like a drum?

Understand that it's easier said than done for some people than some others. You're telling shy guys to look around themselves and realize there's nothing to be shy about. What exactly are shy guys to realize that you would tell them to look around themselves? Can you tell me why shy guys are shy? Can you tell me what a shy guy feels when he's about to ask a girl out?

Be a bit more sensitive, here. A lot of shy people are BS because they don't admit anything, because they're afraid to? I'm a shy guy and one of the extreme. Why don't you have a girl I like confess her interest to me and see if I'll admit my interest? Then you said shy guys don't put in any efforts to DO ANYTHING. Um... hello! refraining from any actions is one of the ending results of being shy. If a guy could just put in the effort to do the damn thing and get the girl, he wouldn't be the shy guy, now, would he?

And what...? shy guys place too much importance on one girl? as if it's all over if it doesn't work out? Is that a shame? I would honor a guy for placing such importance on a girl. It shows how much a guy values a girl. It implies a guy's willingness to commit to one girl. You think you can place that much importance on one girl?

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touche. See the point is, I do not wish to sound so judgemental as I speak from experience on my end. I have had my fair share of being shy. The way I see it, shy people know why they're shy. Maybe not to the extent most would like, but they know some of their reasons. Many has to do with their belief they lack qualities people find attractive. I'm uncool so thereforeee I'm unattractive, I have zitz so thereforeee I'm unattractive, I'm a bit overweight so thereforeee I'm unattractive. But the thing is, people who have self-esteem, self-worth, self-respect and any other self related issues LEARN HOW TO BE more kind to others around them because they know what it's like themselves. They treat women better because they hate being shy, they had having certain qualities they feel are unattractive and so they grab hold of a girl and tell her how great she is when others don't. Not because they're trying to be "wussy" or desperate or something like that, but to make her understand that he sees her in a different shade of light because no one else would.


That's what I mean by if the shy guys would come out of their shells there would be a lot more happy women. I say that because the good qualities of a shy guy are is that they're generally more loving than a jerk guy, a guy who could toss her away like garbage whereas a shy guy is more likely to treasure what he has. THAT is the quality I speak of which would make women more happy. The kind where not all guys are jerk-wads.


Fact is, women love guys with confidence, self-respect, self-worth, self-esteem, etc. Because they don't show the fact that they NEED WOMEN to survive or that their life would be over without this one woman. It's that fact that a woman can trust the guy not to get so attached that he can't live without her. That's the traits they love of the "jerk guy". The qualities a woman hates about the shy guy is he tend to come off needy or desperate as if it doesn't work out with this one woman he's doomed. He puts so much importance on making her happy, he forgets about himself in a sense. He may settle for one woman because he's afraid he won't get another. That's the bad quality. Now if you see what I'm getting at here it's the fact that shy guys have something JERKS may NEVER realize or see and that is the fact that these shy guys know what being shy is like, there's usually a reason for it and usually that reason is the very thing that makes them appreciate women more than jerks do. Thus the good reasons, but if the shy guys would see that they should get out there and REALIZE that these women would give them the chance if they felt safe in doing so, that they wouldn't fear much longer.


Easier said than done I know, but it's important to remember that you can study the material all you want, but the only time you really learn is when you do it yourself. Failure is only a roadblock in comparison to what you get out of everything. And failure is only one step closer towards success, it takes trial and error and the actual act of getting out there to bust through shyness. Once again isn't as easy as it sounds, but one needs to do something instead of doing NOTHING and wondering why they're not getting anywhere. It's like JEE I wonder why.

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First of all, it's a good thing you replied. I was wondering if you were drunk when you made that post. Second of all, agreed. A person must accept the self.

Third of all, I don't treat the ladies any more kind than I treat the guys. A person's character is a person's character. If it's a shark, it won't care if it's eating your flesh and sucking your blood.

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